“Trump clogged up on Twitter, reviewing pressure on IT companies during tenure”… Supporters are right-wing SNS行

Trump’s Facebook and Twitter accounts are blocked by violence at Capitol Hill
Supporters flock to the right wing social media parlor… 270,000 downloads in three days


[아시아경제 정현진 기자] Social Network Service (SNS) Twitter permanently suspended US President Donald Trump’s account due to the risk of incitement to violence, and his supporters revolted and stepped out of Twitter. The White House is likely to put more pressure on large IT companies for the remainder of their tenure by tightening regulations on large IT companies over Facebook, followed by Twitter, over withdrawing President Trump.

On the 9th (local time), the Washington Post (WP) reported that the White House is considering introducing regulations on the IT industry as early as the 11th, before the end of President Trump’s term of office on the 20th of this month, citing an anonymous source. No specific method is known yet. Earlier last month, President Trump urged Congress to abolish Article 230 of the Communications Quality Act, which granted the immunity from social media. CNN also reported that President Trump is expected to fight big IT companies for the rest of his term.

The reason the White House wants to press IT companies is because of the recent decision to permanently suspend Trump’s accounts by Twitter and Facebook. The corporations blocked President Trump’s personal account on the 6th for fear of the risk of further agitation, after seeing President Trump incited it in connection with the invasion and violence of President Trump’s supporters in Washington, DC.

Then, President Trump’s camp strongly protested that it was preventing freedom of expression. President Trump said, “We will not be silent,” after the Twitter account was blocked on the 8th. “We are in discussions with various sites and there will be a big announcement soon. We are looking into whether there is room for our own platform in the near future.” Said. The WP said, “President Trump and the White House are on the move to find a way to communicate online.”

The SNS that is currently receiving the attention of President Trump’s camp is the parlor. Parlor is an SNS that is used by members of far-right groups and white supremacists such as’QAnon’ and’proud boys’. According to TechCrunch, a media specializing in IT, Parlor rose to the top of the Apple App Store download rankings that day as Parlor emerged as an alternative SNS among Trump supporters. The number of parlor downloads surged from 55,000 on the 7th to 210,000 on the 8th. The number of downloads of this application (app) in the United States over the past three days from the 6th was totaled at 268,000.

As a result, Google has blocked the parlor from downloading from its app store on the 8th, and Apple warned that if the parlor does not block messages that incite violence, it will remove the parlor from the app store.

“President Trump’s supporters will receive messages less often than before,” said Emerson Brookings, a senior researcher at the US think tank Applantic Council, who is doing research on false information. “There are millions of people, but this will be a smaller and more dedicated group, and it will be extremely radical.”

Reporter Jeong Hyun-jin [email protected]
