“Trump calls lawmakers’Let’s reverse the presidential election’ during the congressional riot.”

  Protesters in support of US President Donald Trump are climbing the western wall of the Washington DC Capitol on the 6th (local time).  The Senate and House of Representatives were scheduled to hold a joint meeting that day to certify the victory of President-elect Joe Biden, but the meeting was halted due to the unprecedented incident of protesters invading the Capitol.
Protesters in support of US President Donald Trump are climbing the western wall of the Washington DC Capitol on the 6th (local time). The Senate and House of Representatives were scheduled to hold a joint meeting that day to certify the victory of President-elect Joe Biden, but the meeting was halted due to the unprecedented incident of protesters invading the Capitol.
Ⓒ Yonhap News/AP

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(Seoul = Yonhap News) Reporter Ahn Yong-soo = On the 6th (local time), on the 6th (local time), when protesters broke into the Capitol in Washington DC, a call came from Republican Senator Mike Lee.’

“I’m President. Are you Tommy Tuberville?”

CNN reported that President Donald Trump made a call without knowing the phone number, citing Congressman Lee.

So, Rep. Lee visited Tuberville, who was in the same place, and handed over the phone, saying President Trump had been walking. At the time, the members of the Senate meeting hall were said to have been evacuated to other meeting rooms to escape the protesters supporting President Trump.

Afterwards, President Trump spoke with Congressman Tuberville for about 10 minutes, expressing his opposition in addition to the results of the electoral vote, asking President-elect Joe Biden to postpone the approval of victory, CNN explained.

Rep. Tuberville, who was elected in the Alabama Senate election this year, was in a position to sympathize with President Trump’s claim that there was a problem with the election. It is reported that the phone call ended while the senators were moved to another location for the safety of the senators during the invasion of the protesters.

According to CNN’s reports, US President Trump would directly persuade the senators to delay the announcement of the electoral vote results rather than trying to resolve the issue during the time of the Capitol.

Rep. Lee received another phone call at 7 pm. This time, President Trump’s private lawyer, Rudolf Giuliani, was former New York Mayor. When Rep. Lee couldn’t answer the phone, former Mayor Giuliani said he left a voice message.

Rep. Lee confirmed to CNN that the former mayor of Giuliani also called Rep. Lee without knowing the tuberville’s number. Former Mayor Giuliani introduced, “Are you Tuberville? You are President Trump’s attorney,” and said, “A parliamentary meeting must be convened again at 8 pm today, and I hope to postpone it until tomorrow.”

Rep. Tuberville reportedly did not know that the former mayor of Giuliani had called until the fact was made known through the media.

President Trump asked senators to block electoral vote verification even after Congress was reconvened on the afternoon of the protesters’ invasion, CNN reported.

<저작권자(c) 연합뉴스, 무단 전재-재배포 금지>
