Trot entertainment flooded, and TV Chosun-MBN eventually litigated

TV Chosun entertainment program'Mistrot' and MBN's entertainment program'Boystrot' homepage screens have been captured
TV Chosun entertainment program’Mistrot’ and MBN’s entertainment program’Boystrot’ homepage screens have been captured.

[PD저널=안정호 기자] TV Chosun and MBN ended up having a lawsuit over the trot entertainment that took off the trot craze.

TV Chosun is MBN entertainment program <보이스트롯>this <미스트롯>and <미스터트롯>He filed a lawsuit for damages claiming that he had stolen the format of MBN refuted that its programs had nothing to do with TV Chosun trot entertainment.

TV Chosun announced on the 19th and said, “MBN <미스트롯>and <미스터트롯> Hijacking Format November 2019 <보이스퀸>, July 2020 <보이스트롯>Broadcast, and now <사랑의 콜센타>Stolen <트롯파이터>Is broadcasting,” said, “Even though MBN’s act of stealing the format continues despite demanding corrections. <보이스트롯>On January 18th, a lawsuit was filed for damages for format theft.”

TV Chosun reported that it sent an official letter to MBN in January and November of last year calling for the stoppage of format theft infringing on its rights.

TV Chosun said, “This lawsuit is not a simple war of aid for competition for viewer ratings, but to set an alarm for the unprecedented, random format copying without alertness in broadcasters.” Conflict and confusion and fatigue of the viewers raised concerns about the danger of re-extinction of the trot genre, and the lawsuit proceeded.”

On this day, MBN also announced “<보이스트롯>, <트롯파이터> Etc. once again announced that TV Chosun’s trot-related programs are completely irrelevant.” Then, “MBN’s <보이스트롯>Is the target of TV Chosun <미스트롯>It’s different from “<미스트롯>For female performers of all ages, <보이스트롯>Is limited to male and female entertainers.”

MBN said, “TV Chosun <사랑의 콜센타>Claiming to be similar to <트롯파이터>MBN broadcasted in February last year <트로트퀸> It’s a program that utilizes the format,” and “the studio is producing in a team battle format <트로트퀸>Aired in April of last year <사랑의 콜센타>It even broadcasted two months earlier than (TV Chosun).”

MBN is its own program <나는 자연인이다>He also pinched the case of TV Chosun’s similar format production. MBN said, “We first suffered damage due to TV Chosun programs similar to our previous programs.” <나는 자연인이다>TV Chosun was successful in 2017, <자연애(愛) 산다>Produced and broadcasted 25 times, <나는 자연인이다>It also caused damage to the rising trend of the company.”

In addition, MBN said, “We are sorry for the receipt of the complaint by TV Shipbuilding and inform you that it is considering legal response.”

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