Transparent OLED into everyday life… Released at LGD CES 2021

Provided by LG Display

Provided by LG Display

LG Display(18,550 -0.27%)Announced on the 31st that it will unveil a transparent OLED display applied in real life at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES 2021) held on the 11th of next month.

LG Display, the only company in the industry to mass-produce transparent OLEDs, is planning to show a variety of utilization methods through three transparent OLED exhibition spaces such as a restaurant, subway, and smart home.

The’Restaurant Zone’ proposes a restaurant concept necessary in the non-face-to-face era caused by Corona 19. A transparent OLED was installed between the customer and the cook, and at the same time as a partition, it was possible to check menus, order, and watch videos while waiting.

In the’Smart Home Zone’, a’Smart Bed’ that combines a bed and transparent OLED is presented. You can check weather information or watch TV or movies through the transparent OLED coming up from the bed frame.

Provided by LG Display

Provided by LG Display

‘Metro Zone’ introduced a method of using transparent OLED to replace the window of a subway cabin, allowing passengers to view the outside scenery while checking route maps and local information.

Transparent OLED is a technology that makes the most of the characteristics of a self-luminous panel that does not require a backlight. The transparency of the existing transparent LCD was at the level of 10%, but the transparent OLED realized up to 40% of the transparency, providing clear and clear image quality like glass, the company explained.

Reporter No Jeong-dong

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