‘Traditional market preparation cost, 21% cheaper than hypermarkets’

Small Vacuum, a comparative survey of 27 items in traditional markets and large marts

Corona causes price 6-10% higher than last year

On the 31st of last month, the Gyeongdong Market in Dongdaemun-gu, Seoul, is crowded with citizens who want to buy sashimi products, and is very active. / Reporter Oh Seung-hyun

A survey found that preparing a New Year’s turn at a traditional market this year can save 21% of the cost compared to preparing it at a hypermarket. However, compared to last year, the price of items in turn rose 10 percent this year, increasing the cost burden of common people.

On the 2nd, the Small Business Market Promotion Corporation conducted a survey on the prices of 27 items of festival goods for 37 traditional markets and 37 nearby hypermarkets on the 18th and 25th of last month. It was 21.4% (68,421 won) cheaper than the hypermarket (32,265 won).

In traditional markets, 21 out of 27 surveyed items were cheaper than hypermarkets. For example, Kandoraji (400g) sold for 13,238 won in a large supermarket could be bought for 4,462 won in a traditional market. The beef (600g) used in hot water was also 29,000 won in the traditional market, which was about 20,000 won cheaper than the hypermarket (47,961 won).

However, this year’s New Year’s turn, the cost burden is higher than last year. The price of this survey rose 10.4% in traditional markets and 6.4% in hypermarkets compared to last year’s New Year survey. This is because the meat supply did not keep up with consumption and egg prices rose due to the spread of highly pathogenic avian influenza. In addition, it was analyzed that the prices of industrial products such as wheat flour and alcohol (cheongju) also rose due to the new coronavirus infection last year.

/ Reporter Yang Jong-gon [email protected]

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