Toss Securities aimed at 2030, coming out in February

Reporter Park Geun-mo

Jaemin Park, CEO of Toss Securities.  Source = Toss Securities

Jaemin Park, CEO of Toss Securities. Source = Toss Securities

“Before the advent of Toss, no one knew that remittance was easy and convenient. But now, not only Toss, but various financial companies offer easy remittances. Toss Securities will become the standard for mobile securities investment.”

Toss Securities, which has been launched as a new securities company in Korea in 12 years since 2008, is introducing MTS (mobile trading system) aimed at stock beginners in 2030. Toss Securities plans to launch a formal service in February, starting with pre-applicants before and after the Lunar New Year holiday in February.

Park Jae-min, CEO of Toss Securities said, “Toss Securities will become the standard for 2030 millennials and stocks introductory mobile securities companies” through a press conference held on YouTube on the 3rd.

CEO Park Jae-min explained, “HTS and MTS of existing securities companies are providing services based on high-value assets or heavy traders.” did.

According to Toss Securities, terms such as’sell’ and’buy’ have been changed to’buy’ and’sell’ to make it easier for beginners to understand. In addition, it provides various investment assistance information such as’Purchase TOP100′,’Interest TOP100′,’Operating margin TOP100′, and’Yield TOP100′, as if you are looking at a music chart familiar to the 2030 generation.

As CEO Park Jae-min explained that it aims for the standard of domestic MTS, attempts to fill the shortcomings of the existing MTS are also noticeable. Typically, it is a search and notification function.

Dongmin Kim in charge of product design at Toss Securities said, “The search function of the existing MTS only automatically completes when you enter the first digit of a specific company name. Toss Securities is designed so that a list of related companies appears when you search for a product, service, or industry. I said.

For example, if you search for electric cars, it shows the results of domestic electric car manufacturers or related companies such as Hyundai Motor Company or Kia. In addition, electric vehicle-related industries such as electric vehicle batteries and electronic equipment companies can be additionally seen. Also, if you enter a product name such as Galaxy or Shrimp Cracker, Samsung Electronics and Nongshim will appear in the search results.

The Toss Securities Industry Classification Standard (TICS) newly created by Toss Securities.  Source = Toss Securities
The Toss Securities Industry Classification Standard (TICS) newly created by Toss Securities. Source = Toss Securities

CEO Park Jae-min explained, “Toss Securities can provide the information a novice investor wants by analyzing the financial statements of about 2,200 listed companies based on the Toss Securities Industry Classification Standard (TICS) system, which is subdivided based on sales in the financial statements.” . In particular, it is included in the industry classification only when at least 10% of sales in the relevant sector are generated in the financial statements, not in the business category registered by the company.

Toss Securities does not do credit loans, which are the main sources of income for existing securities companies. CEO Park Jae-min said, “If you provide a leverage service called credit loans to novice investors, your investment risk can increase. I don’t know if there is a customer’s credit loan request, but I have no plans to provide credit loans at the moment.”

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