Tokyo Olympics to be held, decided in March-JoongAng Ilbo

Whether the Tokyo Olympics, scheduled to open in July, will be discussed at the International Olympic Committee (IOC) general meeting in March.

The IOC will hold a general meeting on March 10-12 in Athens, Greece. IOC Chairman Thomas Bach’s vote is the biggest agenda of the General Assembly, and whether the Tokyo Olympics, which has been delayed for one year due to the novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19), will be an important agenda.

An official of the Korea Sports Association said, “It has not been decided whether the IOC will be held face-to-face or non-face-to-face online.” “The 19th said. This general meeting is the first international event of Lee Ki-heung, chairman of Korea Sports Council and IOC member who successfully re-elected. The IOC will hold two executive committees at the end of this month and just before the general meeting in March to finalize the agenda of the general meeting.

There is growing skepticism about whether the Tokyo Olympics, which have already been postponed for a year, will be held normally in July this year. The spread of Corona 19 is still ongoing, and vaccination is also delaying than expected. Dick Pound (Canada), the longest-running IOC member, predicted earlier this month that “we cannot guarantee the holding of the Tokyo Olympics.” In an interview with foreign media on the 17th, Japanese Minister Taro Kono, in charge of administrative reform, mentioned the possibility of canceling the Tokyo Olympics for the first time among Japanese ministers.

If the Tokyo Olympics are not held this year, the 25th National Olympic Committee General Assembly (ANOC), scheduled to be held in Seoul in October, will also be affected. ANOC adjusted the schedule to move the ANOC general meeting from November 2020 to October 26-27 this year in consultation with the Korean Sports Association when the Tokyo Olympics were postponed for one year last year. An official from the Korea Sports Association predicted, “The ANOC general meeting, where NOC representatives from 206 countries gather, is a place to encourage and award athletes who participated in the Olympics. If the Tokyo Olympics do not take place, the holding of the ANOC general meeting may also be reviewed.”

Reporter Kim Shik
