To save the Tokyo Olympics IOC Vaccination promotion for all athletes

Saving the Tokyo Olympics… “IOC, promote vaccination for all athletes”
British media reports… Considered as a priority task for hosting the competition
“Focus on the distribution of vaccines to small countries… in close consultation with WHO and Kovacs”

(Seoul = Yonhap News) Reporter Seung-min Lee = The International Olympic Committee (IOC) plans to receive a new coronavirus infection (Corona 19) vaccine to all athletes participating in the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympic Games scheduled for July this year, according to the British daily telegraph on the 22nd Time) reported.
This is one of the IOC’s countermeasures amid the topic of cancellation of the Tokyo Olympics as the global pandemic of Corona 19 continues and the outbreak in Japan worsens.
Telegraph explained that the IOC sees as a priority the rapid vaccination of athletes in Japan, where national corona 19 vaccination has not yet started.
To this end, the IOC is reported to be working closely with the’COVAX facility’ and the World Health Organization (WHO), an international project for joint purchase and distribution of Corona 19 vaccines.
“The new initiative to promote vaccination in small countries is a big challenge for the IOC,” said Andy Anderson, chairman of the British Olympic Committee (BOA).
“We will continue to work to ensure that people who come to Japan get the vaccine as much as possible,” said Mr. Anson. “It is important for us.”
Chairman Anson also said that the IOC members continue to discuss with the Tokyo Olympic Organizing Committee, and that they are firmly committed to hosting this year’s event.
The British daily The Times reported that the Japanese government had concluded an internal conclusion that the Tokyo Olympics should be canceled due to a pandemic, citing Japanese passport officials the day before.
However, the Japanese government immediately denied this report, saying, “Now the Japanese government is uniting and preparing for the success of the tournament.”
According to the international statistics website World Omometer, as of the day, the cumulative corona 19 confirmed in Japan is 371,020 and the cumulative death toll is 4,830.
In recent years, more than 5,000 new confirmed cases are pouring out a day in Japan, and there is even a situation that the spread of the mutant virus to the community is being observed.
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