To dismiss the warrant of Baek Woon-gyu… Seo Ki-ho “Proof of unreasonable investigation into the current regime”

Former Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy Baek Woon-gyu, who is accused of engaging in the operation of the economic feasibility of the Wolseong Unit 1 nuclear power plant, is leaving the Daejeon Detention Center after an arrest warrant was dismissed by the Daejeon District Court on the 9th. Daejeon = News 1

Attorney Ki-ho Seo, a former judge, pointed out on the 9th that the arrest warrant for the former Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy Baek Woon-gyu, who is suspected of manipulating the economic feasibility of Wolseong Unit 1, was dismissed as “proving an unreasonable investigation into the current regime.”

Deputy Chief Judge Oh Se-yong of the Daejeon District Court dismissed the pre-arrest warrant requested by the prosecution against the prosecution on charges of abuse of authority, obstruction of exercise of rights, and obstruction of work.

The judge said, “It is not enough to say that the data submitted so far have been sufficiently clarified for the suspected crime, and there seems to be room for contention over the alleged crime, so it is necessary to ensure that the suspect can exercise his right of defense in the state of disregard. “He explained the reason for dismissal.

Attorney Seo appeared on KBS Radio Choi Kyung-young’s’Strong Preview’ and claimed that “basically, this arrest warrant proved that Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol was an unreasonable investigation to pursue an investigation into the current regime.”

He referred to an unusually long reason for dismissal and said, “If you say (the reason for dismissal) is 570 characters long, the judge in charge wrote in great detail why I dismissed this warrant, and the reason is that it is a matter that can be dismissed legally. He analyzed that he would go to the original judgment and judge that he would be innocent even if he was prosecuted later.”

He said, “It was declared that he was investigating excessively, although the crime of abuse of authority was not established only by looking at the part that the prosecution has investigated.”

“The court actually accepted the clarification of former Minister Baek”

In August 2018, then Secretary Baek attended the entire meeting of the National Assembly Preliminary Committee. yunhap news

Attorney Seo said, “It is exactly the same as the content of the court’s dismissal of the warrant” in relation to the fact that the former Minister Baek mentioned that he had’handled the business through due process’ prior to the warrant deliberation. “I have accepted almost all of the clarifications of former Minister Baek,” he said.

Regarding the prosecution’s investigation in the future, attorney Seo said, “The prosecution under the direction of the Blue House, what the Minister Baek does and organizes it in this form, but it seems that the composition is similar to the blacklist of the former Lee Myung-bak and Park Geun-hye governments.” “I have to come out, but the motive is not coming out.” He then predicted, “Even if this part is reclaimed, there is no possibility to accept it.”

Meanwhile, attorney Seo said in relation to the controversy over the North Korean nuclear power plant document, “As disclosed by the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, it is stated that the document is for internal review and was not reported to the Blue House.” “(April) Election ahead of the by-election There is an over-bulged side for it,” he said.

Son Hyo-suk reporter

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