To achieve high trajectory, you need to raise the club head high after impact.

Trajectory control with a follow-through

On the course, we face many situations. Depending on the situation, you can create a much better chance if you adjust the pitch left or right or the trajectory higher and lower. However, if you think about domestic golf courses, there are many OB (Out of Bounds) areas. When an OB is played, there is no big trouble situation because you have to hit the ball in the flat’drop zone’ made on the fairway or hit the provisional ball on the teeing ground. And for smooth play, there are many cases where you take out the ball and hit it even if you enter between the trees. Because of this, there aren’t many situations that make pitches. However, the situation of raising and lowering the trajectory of the ball is necessary because of the height of the course even if there is a ball in the middle of the fairway.

So there are more situations where you need to adjust the ball trajectory. For amateur golfers, it is much more helpful than the technique of controlling the pitch. There are several ways to control the trajectory. First is the position of the golf ball. As the ball moves to the left, it is easier to send the ball higher. In golf swing, the center of the body becomes the lowest point when drawing a circle based on the center of gravity. The club goes up from the ground as you go left. So, the more you put the ball to the left, the higher the club head, the more it hits, creating a higher trajectory. On the contrary, if you put the ball on the right foot, the impact will be achieved as soon as the club comes down, so you can start low.

Center of gravity shift on the second swing. This method is also the same as moving the ball left and right. When hitting the ball high, swing with the center of gravity on the right side to ensure high trajectory. The reason is to raise the ball from behind the center of gravity rather than the ball. The opposite way to hit low is to hit the center of gravity on the left.

The third is the height adjustment using a pole-ru. When you want a ballistic, you have to hit the ball as the club goes up. Of course, it is possible to secure a high trajectory by maintaining the loft of the club head as it is. Picture ① is the normal trajectory of the polosru. Compared to the picture ②, both hands should be raised higher than the left shoulder when following through. If you look closely at the club head, your spine and club tilt should be the same. In other words, it feels like raising the shape of the club head as it is, rather than releasing it after impact. If you want to use a low trajectory, you need to keep your hands low so that your hands do not exceed the height of your chest, as shown in photo ③ of the Polosruga. The club head released at this time must not be open to lower the loft. Among the various methods introduced, I think that moving the center of gravity or the position of the ball is more effective for weekend golfers with less practice, as it can reduce the impact accuracy and change the feeling of the polo-ru.

KPGA Pro·PNS Holding
Swing Model = Seulgi Kim KLPGA Pro
Clothing = Nevermind All
