Tightening banknote credit… Kabin limit reduction and Suhyup Matong stop comprehensive

At the beginning of this year, banks are putting out measures to tighten credit loans, such as reducing the maximum credit limit or stopping new applications for negative bankbooks.

It is interpreted that the financial authorities were affected by strengthening the management of credit loans at the beginning of this year, fearing a surge in household debt due to’debt investments’.

According to the banknote on the 22nd, Kakao Bank has lowered the maximum of credit loan products for high-credit office workers from 150 million won to 100 million won.

Applicable products are office workers minus bankbook and office worker credit loans.

Kakao Bank explained, “We have reduced the maximum of high-credit loans in order to expand mid-interest rate loans and low- to mid-credit loans, which are key strategic objectives in the loan sector this year.”

In addition, it is known that there is a purpose to’control the speed’ of credit loans for high creditors.

Tightening banknote credit...  Reduction of Kabin limit and suspension of Suhyup Matong (general)

From this day on, Suhyup Bank stopped new loans from negative bankbooks among the products of Sh The Dream Credit Loan.

Suhyup Bank explained that the resumption time has not been set, saying, “We decided to stop applying for new loans because the management limit of negative loans has run out.

However, it is possible to apply for a new loan at maturity or amortization method, excluding negative bank loan loans.

Sh The Dream Credit Loan is for office workers who have an annual income of 30 million won or more and have been working for more than 6 months.

The maximum limit for negative bank loans is 50 million won.

Tightening banknote credit...  Reduction of Kabin limit and suspension of Suhyup Matong (general)

Earlier, from the 15th, Shinhan Bank also set the maximum limit for each case of credit loans for office workers such as’Eliteron I·II’ and’Convenient Office Worker Loan SⅠ·II’ from 200 million won to 150 million won and 100 million won. It decreased by 50 million won from 50 million won to 100 million won.

/yunhap news

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