“Tiger Woods seems to have stepped on the accelerator pedal instead of the brake at the time of the accident.”

It was reported that Tiger Woods, the US golf emperor, appeared to have stepped on the accelerator pedal, not the brake, during the car rollover accident.

American entertainment media TMZ quoted a police source investigating the accident on the 22nd (local time), saying, “There is no evidence that Woods tried to slow down the car. Investigators believe that Woods did nothing to prevent a car crash. “I said.

As a result of investigating the Genesis Sports Utility Vehicle (SUV) GV80, which Woods drove at the time of the accident on the 24th of last month, and the surveillance cameras at the accident site, it is known that Woods was speeding by stepping on the accelerator pedal instead of the brake at the time.

According to the Los Angeles (LA) County Sheriff’s Office, who investigated Woods’ car accident, the point of the accident is a curved downhill section.

So, if TMZ’s estimate of the cause of the accident is correct, it means that Woods did not apply the brakes right before the accident on a curve, but rather stepped on the accelerator pedal to speed up.

“All of this leads to questions,” TMZ raised the question, “Is Woods unconscious right before the crash?”

Earlier, the police announced at a briefing shortly after the accident that there was no evidence that Woods was taking drugs or drinking alcohol, and there was no procedure to take blood to determine if he was drinking alcohol.

However, the police later said in a statement filed with the court that Woods was unconscious when the first witness discovered Woods.

Also, at the scene of the accident, Woods told the police that he did not know why the accident occurred, even after being taken to the hospital, and that he had no memory of driving.

In response, medical experts in the field of trauma say that it is not uncommon for patients who have had a head shock in a car accident to lose consciousness or lose their memory.

The presumption that Woods was unconscious right before the accident has been raised through foreign media before.

Some foreign media, including USA Today and Fox News, reported earlier this month that Woods could have fallen asleep at the time of the accident, based on opinions from vehicle forensics experts.

It is hypothesized that the speed could not be reduced in time due to drowsy driving in the downhill curve section and eventually suffered a rollover accident that rolled over the median section.

The police have secured a GV80 black box containing driving information at the time of the accident, and are investigating more accurate details of the accident, and the cause of the accident has not yet been officially announced.
