Three priest-sisters murdered after being caught by another nun while having sex

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Three priest-sisters murdered after being caught by another nun while having sex

The truth is revealed in 28 years by the testimony of a shoplifter in India… All three in prison

(Seoul = News 1) Reporter Park Hye-yeon |
2020-12-24 16:39 sent | 2020-12-24 16:55 Last updated

It was found that the real culprit who murdered Sister Abaya in 1992 was a fellow priest and a nun. -NDTV capture

In India, 28 years after a nun was found dead by drowning in a well, two fellow Catholic priests and a nun were found murdered and sentenced to life in prison.

According to local media such as the Hindustan Times on the 22nd (local time), the Central Court in Tiruvananthapuram, Kerala, Southwest India, murdered Sister Abaya (19) in 1992 and destroyed the evidence, Fr Thomas Kotur and Sister Sephi Sentenced to life in prison.

The next day, the court sentenced their accomplice Father Jose Putrukail to life in prison.

Sister Abaya was found as a corpse in a well in Kottayam, and the police at the time concluded the case with suicide. However, as a result of a re-investigation by the Central Bureau of Investigation of India (CBI), the prosecution identified the three as the real offenders in 2009 as it was found to be murderous.

Their motive is that Sister Abaya accidentally witnessed three of them having sex in the kitchen. In principle, the convent is a Geumnam district, but it is known that the two priests regularly visited the convent.

Sister Sefi even had hymen surgery to claim she was a virgin, but eventually admitted to adultery. Father Kotur also accused him of sexual activity.

The judges decided that they first killed Abaya with an ax and threw her body in a well. The judgment stated that “Sister Abaya’s head injury is likely to have led to death.”

The testimony of a shoplifter who witnessed the incident while entering the convent was crucial to revealing their crimes. He told the prosecution that he had seen two priests and a nun at the time Sister Abaya was murdered.

The shoplifter later said that if he withdrew his testimony, he was given a petition to overlook the crime he committed, but that he held on to the testimony until the end.

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