‘Three Parks’ Park Ji-Sung, Jeju Island House and Children Revealed “First Daughter Looks Like Me” Son?

Park Ji-sung, Kim Min-ji, couple. Photo = MBC’Three Parks: The Second Heart’

[이데일리 정시내 기자] Former soccer player Park Ji-sung revealed his home and children in Jeju Island.

In MBC’s’Three Park: The Second Heart’ (hereinafter referred to as’Three Park’), which aired on the 14th, a project in which Ji-sung Park, Chan-ho Park, and Se-ri Park took the second challenge in life was revealed.

Park Ji-sung lives in Jeju Island with his wife Kim Min-ji and their children. Park Ji-sung said, “When I came to Korea after living in London, I was in Seoul, but because I lived in Jeju Island, I lived in Jeju Island.”

The house of the Park Ji-Sung family was decorated with white colors and wood materials, and the spacious house had a cozy atmosphere. It was a picturesque house with a beautiful view of Jeju Island.

We talked about the first daughter Yeonwoo and the second son Seonwoo. Ji-Sung Park “First, I have to see the end when I start. There is a willingness to keep things organized and always keep things where they are. It resembles me.”

“On the other hand, the second is a free soul. It’s okay to mess up. He is free-spirited and has an artistic temperament.”

Park Ji-sung chose child-rearing when asked whether child-raising or soccer was more difficult. He said, “No matter how long you run, there is no end to soccer. Parenting has a starting whistle, but no end. When I eat rice, I go around the table 100 times. He said, “I have physical strength, so I feel hard.”

On this day, Park Ji-sung and Kim Min-ji put the two children to sleep and talked together. Park Ji-sung remembered the day he met Kim Min-ji.

He said, “I met in London, and when I saw him coming from a distance, I felt that (Minji Kim) was living happily.” “(Kim Min-ji) is walking, but can I meet a woman like this again? I thought,” he added.

He also beat Kim Min-ji in the back of the head and confessed. In the radio program that Kim Min-ji was running at the time, he said,’I like it, but what’s wrong with the story of the listener who confessed by hitting the back of the head. When he had a heart, Park Ji-sung, who heard the broadcast asking him to hit the back of the head, drew attention, saying, “I confessed to date with a slight stroke of the back of the head.”

On the other hand,’Three Parks’ is a special project solved by the eternal legends Park Chan-ho, Park Se-ri, and Park Ji-sung, who delivered hope and courage from a distant country to Korea with a challenging spirit not afraid of failure. The three will once again deliver hope, courage, and laughter to the people who are tired and hard from the corona and economic recession, challenging another reboot project other than baseball, golf, and soccer.
