Three months after the defeat of Yoon Jung-hee’s brothers… Petition for “Neglect of Dementia Actor” comes up

Jeonghee Yoon, Gunwoo Paik

Jeonghee Yoon, Gunwoo Paik

What happened to the couple of actor Yoon Jung-hee (77, left) and pianist Paik Kun-woo (75, right)? On the 5th of this month, in the Cheong Wa Dae national petition, an article was posted saying, “Please save a movie star *** who is passing away day by day, disconnected from the outside.” The content is “I am lonely and struggled with Alzheimer’s and diabetes without being cared for by my spouse and daughter.” As of the 7th, 2,700 people agreed on the presumption of being actor Yoon Jeong-hee. On the 7th, Paik Kun-woo said, “It is a false and unfounded claim. Yoon Jeong-hee lives under the warm care of her family. It was concluded with the final decision of the Paris High Court.”

When Paik Kun-woo and daughter were appointed guardians
Three younger brothers filed a lawsuit in French court
Court “There is no basis for not being cared for”
“Living under family care”

In an interview with the JoongAng Ilbo two years ago, pianist Paik Kun-woo revealed that his wife Yoon Jeong-hee was fighting Alzheimer’s disease. The interview was accompanied by her daughter Jin-hee. The interview at the time, this month’s national petition, Paik Kun-woo’s position, and the Paris High Court’s last year’s rulings can be summed up. For two years after the release of the disease, Yoon Jeong-hee’s younger brothers filed a lawsuit against Paik Kun-woo’s woman in France and lost. The post of the national petition was posted three months after the judgment of the Paris High Court.

Yoon Jung-hee’s symptoms of Alzheimer’s began about 10 years ago. In an interview, Paik Kun-woo said, “For 10 years, I tried to solve it alone. “I went on a concert tour around the world, and I thought it was impossible for a while, so I tried to find a place to settle down.” A couple living in Paris, France, came to Korea in early 2019 when Yoon Jeong-hee was injured as her mother, and at this time they visited a nursing home and other places to stay. “But I thought it wouldn’t be good because I was so famous in Korea.” At that time, my daughter said she would take care of it, so I got a quiet house near her house.” Daughter Jin-hee said, “There are nurses who care for Alzheimer’s among people I know, so they are looking at my mother.” It was in May 2019 when Yoon Jung-hee established his residence in the suburbs of Paris.

Yoon Jeong-hee’s three younger brothers filed a lawsuit in the district court in Paris, France in 2019. It was an objection to the French court’s designation of Paik Kun-woo and Jin-hee’s women as the property and personal guardians of Yoon Jeong-hee. Those who lost last September appealed to the Paris High Court, but lost two months later. In the ruling, the High Court judged, “Son Mi-ja (Yoon Jung-hee’s real name) has an intimate relationship with her spouse and daughter, and that she is enjoying comfortable conditions in a safe and familiar environment.” “The allegations that she is not being cared for and suspected of financial embezzlement are unfounded,” he said. He also maintained the guardianship of Paik Kun-woo and his daughter Jin-hee.

Paik’s side said in a statement on the day that “all the limited phone calls and appointments mentioned in the (National Petition) post were decided by the court ruling.” The Supreme Court ruling said, “Son Mi-ja’s brothers and sisters on the phone or visited her to remind her that she was an actor, talked about filming, and confirmed that there was a risk of causing mental anxiety for the adult guardian (Yun Jeong-hee).”

In an interview in 2019, her daughter Jin-hee said, “I got a house where I can see trees and a lake. I made a photo album at the Cannes Film Festival. Every time my father visits, he leaves a small flower pot on the balcony.”

In the 1960s, the representative actor Yoon Jeong-hee married Paik Kun-woo in 1976 and settled in France. Her daughter, Jin-hee, is a violinist and is active in an orchestra in France.

Reporter Kim Ho-jeong [email protected]
