‘Three marriages’ Um Yong-soo “postponed to the 6th wedding in the US.. Outdoors”[직격인터뷰]-Star News

Um Yong-su/Photo = Reporter Lee Beom

Comedian Um Yong-soo (68) is having a wedding in Los Angeles, USA on the 6th with a younger Korean businessman.

In a phone call with Star News on the 1st, Eom Yong-soo said, “I am currently staying in the United States.” “We are going to have a wedding with only the minimum number of people gathered outdoors.”

Eom Yong-soo said that he originally planned to hold a wedding in Los Angeles, USA at the end of last month, but decided to postpone the schedule for a week because the local situation was bad due to the Corona 19 incident.

Eom Yong-soo also said, “We don’t plan to have a separate wedding in Korea.”

Um Yong-soo’s prospective bride is a younger Korean-American businessman who announced that she was in a relationship last May. The two got married in June 2019 after an acquaintance introduced them.

Eom Yong-soo said, “I am very sorry to have a wedding at a critical time due to Corona 19.” I want to show you something.”

This is the third marriage for Um Yong-soo, who was born in 1953 and is 69 years old. Earlier, he married 17 years younger in 1989, but divorced after seven years. After that, he married a new lover in 1997, but the following year was broken. “There are many people who hesitate in fear of going wrong even if they try to marry again at dusk,” said Eom Yong-soo. It’s a challenge. I’ll show you a good life.”

Meanwhile, Um Yong-soo made his official debut at the MBC comedy contest in 1981, and then appeared in KBS’Humor No. 1’and MBC’s’Long Live Youth’ and played an active part as a comedian.
