This year, 157 companies with signs of insolvent… Declining trend in the aftermath of Corona 19

Citizens are walking on the street wearing masks due to the spread of Corona 19.  Photo.  Reporter Goo Hye-jung
Citizens are walking on the street wearing masks due to the spread of Corona 19. Photo. Reporter Goo Hye-jung

[미디어SR 김병주 기자] Despite the aftermath of the novel coronavirus infection (hereinafter referred to as Corona 19), the number of companies with signs of insolvency was found to have decreased. It is analyzed that this is the effect of various related support benefits from the government and the financial sector in response to the Corona 19 crisis.

The Financial Supervisory Service announced on the 28th through the results of ‘2020 regular credit risk assessment’ conducted by bond banks for 3508 companies. According to the evaluation results, the number of companies with signs of insolvent this year was 157, down 53 from the previous year. Among them, large companies were found to have decreased by 5 compared to the previous year, and 4 companies were found, and that of SMEs were decreased by 48 compared to the previous year to 153.

In the regular credit risk assessment, each company is classified into A, B, C, and D grades according to the situation of companies with signs of insolvent. Here, C grade is classified as a company with high possibility of normalization, and D grade is classified as a company with low possibility of normalization. According to this year’s regular credit risk assessment, C grades were 66 companies, an increase of 7 companies compared to the previous year, while D grades were 91 companies, a decrease of 60 companies from the previous year.

By industry, metal processing was the largest with 17 companies, ▲ wholesale and product brokerage (13) ▲ real estate (13) ▲ rubber and plastic (12) ▲ machinery and equipment (12) ▲ automobiles (12), etc. Was.

An official from the Financial Supervisory Service told Media SR, “There is an aspect that takes into account the unexpected situation and difficulties associated with Corona 19 in this evaluation process.” On the other hand, for companies that have not applied for a workout, etc., the creditor bank will be instructed to strengthen follow-up management.”

Meanwhile, the amount of credit contributions to financial sectors to companies with signs of insolvency was 2.3 trillion won, of which banks accounted for 1.8 trillion won, or 78.3% of the total. In addition, when asset quality is reclassified for corporate loans with signs of insolvent, the estimated amount of additional provision for bad debts in banks is estimated to be around 2355 billion won.
