This song is yours on the cover of Park Sang-min and Lim Young-woong of the Mulberry Academy

'Pongsungahhakdang' Lim Young-woong / Photo ='Pongsungahhakdang' provided

‘Pongsungahhakdang’ Lim Young-woong / Photo =’Pongsungahhakdang’ provided

Singer Park Sang-min appeared on the TV Chosun entertainment program’Pongsungahhakdang’ as a special teacher related to’cow’ following his trademark beard shape in celebration of the new year.

Following the’Golden Cow Special’ held by Lim Young-woong, Young-tak, Lee Chan-won, Jang Min-ho, and Kim Hee-jae last week in the New Year’s New Year’s celebration, a special class time with celebrities will be held. .

In the recent recording of this broadcast, the trotmen welcomed Park Sang-min, whose trademark cow beard was a trademark, as a special teacher related to cattle. Park Sang-min appeared while singing’Goodbye to the weapon’ and trotmen cheered.

Trotmen presented the stage of various reinterpretations among Park Sang-min’s many famous songs. Moreover, Lim Young-woong recalled Park Sang-min’s representative hit song’One Love’ with his own feeling and reborn as the’Lim Heroic genre. Park Sang-min praised him, saying, “This is not my song, but the hero is a song.”

On the contrary, the only karaoke score in the 80s range was the back door that’a member who tasted the lowest humiliation came out and destroyed the scene.

In the next acting class, the actor Park Ki-woong, the new comedian of Comte, and comedian Kim Ji-min and Lee Guk-ju, all appeared in the acting class.

In particular, the trotmen were suddenly confused by a situation where they had to immerse themselves in the role they were given, but soon they completely focused on the role and played an active part as an all-around entertainer.

The production crew of’Pongsungahhakdang’ said, “In a special class held with celebrities related to cows in the new year of 2021, you will discover the unique power of trotmen.” I hope you will receive full of hopeful laughter.”

Jang Ji-min, guest reporter at [email protected]

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