This body is in her 50s Seoul National University dentist Lee Soo-jin “Kim Tae-hee? I’m prettier”

Dentist and YouTuber Lee Soo-jin © News1

Dentist and YouTuber Lee Soo-jin showed off her dignified charm by mentioning actor Kim Tae-hee, a junior at Seoul National University.

On the 9th, Lee Soo-jin posted on her YouTube channel,’Seoul National University Kim Tae-hee? Previously, I was more famous.’

In the video, Lee Soo-jin is having a conversation with her daughter Jenna while conducting a Q&A.

On this day, Lee Soo-jin was asked, “Up to age, younger age, how old can you date?” To this, my daughter Jenna drew attention by answering instead, “Mom is 20 years old and I will be able to meet it.” Lee Soo-jin admitted this with laughter.

Dentist and YouTuber Soo-Jin Lee Youtube Channel © News1 © News1

He also replied, “When I think of Seoul National University, do you think of Kim Tae-hee? Do you think of Lee Su-jin?” “In my generation, everyone remembers Lee Su-jin.”

Daughter Jenna said, “I asked my mother,’Is it the same school as Kim Tae-hee?’, but my mother said,’Yes, but I’m prettier.’ She said she was prettier than the best beauty in Korea.”

Soojin Lee said confidently, “My boyfriends always said that.”

Next, when Jenna asked, “What are ex-boyfriends doing,” Lee Soo-jin replied chicly, “I’m a dentist.”

Jenna exclaimed, “My mother tells her love story, but new guys are coming out endlessly. Maybe I’ve met the whole school. About 300 people?”

Soo-jin Lee continued to boast, saying, “I haven’t met all of them. I only met King Car.” In the end, a sound of “Stop” came out from the mouth of my daughter Jenna and made me laugh.

Dentist and YouTuber Soo-Jin Lee Youtube Channel © News1 © News1

In addition, Lee Soo-jin confessed to the YouTube video she posted earlier, “I met a boyfriend who is much younger than me,” and said, “I had a boyfriend who was 23 years old. He was a boyfriend 29 years younger than me, and I almost got married.” It was honestly revealed and attracted attention.

Meanwhile, Lee Soo-jin is a single mother from Seoul National University School of Dentistry who runs a dentistry in Garosu-gil, Sinsa-dong, Seoul, and is also active as a YouTuber. Born in 1969 and aged 52 this year, he appeared on SBS entertainment programs in 2016, such as’Bronze Dream’, and is famous for his beauty and perfect body.

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