Thin film-rye grandmother 62% Jang Dong-min 500%… Stock Jackpot VS Squash’Topics’

[사진 출처 = 유튜브 캡처 (좌), `개미는 오늘도 뚠뚠` 캡처 (우)]

picture explanation[사진 출처 = 유튜브 캡처 (좌), `개미는 오늘도 뚠뚠` 캡처 (우)]

[매일경제 스타투데이 진향희 기자]

Broadcasters from thin film-rye grandmother to Jang Dong-min are also a stock fanatic. Since last year, the so-called ‘Donghak Ant Movement’, the stock investment craze, has led to the stories of hidden investment experts. In the past, due to the reluctance to talk about money, the case of stock investment was easy to do, but recently, in the air, the stories of success and failure are confessed and stock web entertainment is also gaining popularity.

◆Youtuber thin film-rye grandmother’s first stock investment in her life…

The popular YouTuber, Myung-rye (74), became a hot topic by revealing that she bought Apple stock for just one week and made a 62% return.

On the 17th, on the official YouTube channel operated with her granddaughter, a video titled'(true story) Park Mak-rye’s stock yield of 62%’ was released. In the video, my grandmother Gye-rye said, “I know I live while doing what I haven’t done before. I haven’t tried stocks before. But I can’t buy it because I don’t know how to stock up on my own. “He said.

He said, “I started thinking about which one to buy. I went to see Google in the US. So I wanted to buy a Google one. But it was expensive, so I couldn’t. My granddaughter bought a computer company (Apple). My granddaughter bought a more expensive Disney.” “I met reporters at Google, and all of them use this computer that Yura uses. It’s an apple, not a pear. So I bought the stock because I wanted to be safe,” he said.

Youtuber thin film-rye grandmother.  Photo|Youtube capture

picture explanationYoutuber thin film-rye grandmother. Photo|Youtube capture

Then, “I bought Apple for 370,000 won a week,” he said, “I forgot it after I put it in. I forgot my stock account password,” and it shows on the mobile phone screen that the forgotten stock made 62% profit. On the 30th, one share was divided into four shares in face value. Apple stock, which was in the $400 range at the time, is currently trading at around $100 after the par value split. From the experience, “I felt something while stocking. Make a password and forget it.” I give you the best advice.

Jang Dong-min, who had invested more than 200 million won in the fund when he was in his 20s and failed, said he is having fun with stock investments recently. In Kakao TV’s web entertainment’Ant is Toon Today’, Jang Dong-min confidently revealed that it is a premium ant with a return rate of 500%, saying about the return on investment, “It seems to be about 6 times the amount originally invested.”

He also explained his own investment method. “I set a percentage (target rate of return) and do so even if I miss it. Don’t be disappointed even if (price) falls out. There are a lot of stocks, so is there any need to regret it? I see (target rate of return) 10%, and if I go in, even 7-8% will eat and come out. Don’t look to the peak. Now I am trying to turn my eyes to the semiconductor.”

Accordingly, Jang Dong-min, who even got the nickname’Danta Beast’, confessed that he was worried about retiring from broadcasting with high stock returns. At the beginning of last month, he appeared on MBC’s’Radio Star’ and said, “Look at the rate of return and say,’Shall we beat everything that is broadcast?’ I’ve thought about it,” he said. It’s a similar concern to some of the office workers who made a lot of money from stock investments recently posted on the online community.

◆ From the original Jang-soon to re-enactment… Jackpot with a reason

In 1987, the 80-year-old powerhouse, which is known as the “entertainer ancestor Chan-soon,” started investing in stocks with 5.5 million won in seed money and earned 30 million won in profit. In 1998, he earned 50 million won in international phone advertisements and invested in stocks to achieve 180 million won. From 2000, it announced that it has a fortune of about 3 billion won by purchasing stocks, shopping malls, and saving.

He is also the author of an investment guidebook 10 years ago, “Securities School Graduating in Just Ten Days of Aunt, Pastoralism”. “I save 9/10 of my income, but I am patiently looking for something to invest,” he said. “I went to a company lecture and bought stock after seeing the company atmosphere. As the return on investment was about 60-70%, a brokerage employee told me to sell it, but it is still holding it. It is a stock held for 20 years.”

Jeon Joon-ju said, “The stock is not an elevator. It is a staircase that you have to climb slowly. I have to read a lot of books and study.”

Actor Lee Ga-don, a reenactment of’Surprise’, also revealed the story that he made a 1200% return on stock investment. Gadon Lee said, “I bought stock when I received the fee for the appearance of’Surprise’. He said that only one well was dug.”

He said, “When the biosimilar story came out in the early 2000s, I didn’t know what it was, but I looked for an investment item with the idea of’what is the food of the future?’ I started collecting them one by one from 20,000 won to 30,000 won. When I received the performance fee for’Surprise’, I bought it. I did not diversify investment and only dug one stock,” he said.

“The stock gave me light. When it exceeded 400,000 won per share, the yield was about 1200%. I went to the head office in Songdo, Incheon and made a big bow.”

Previously, representative celebrity stock success cases until the early 200s were regarded as actors Park Joong-hoon, Son Ji-chang, and Ha Ji-won. Park Joong-hoon, a national actor, is famous for making billions of billions of profits by investing 250 million won in a startup company to help his friends on stilts in the early 2000s.

In this regard, there was a huge snowfall of 10 billion, but a few years later, he appeared on the tvN entertainment program’Taxi’ and said, “It is not 10 billion. In fact, the money story is a bit cautious. I’m sorry to look happy and I don’t want to show off.” He said, “A friend made a company, and before listing, I made an investment with a light heart, but it was later converted into stocks and I raised some income.”

Actor Sohn Ji-chang is also said to have earned close to 2 billion won by investing in a securities stock during the IMF. Ha Ji-won is also known to have made a profit of close to 1 billion won in two months by investing in a KOSDAQ registered company in 2005.

Stock investment success story.  Photo|Capture each broadcast

picture explanationStock investment success story. Photo|Capture each broadcast

◆ “Keeping stock and loyalty… ”Black History of Investment

On the other hand, there are a number of people who have tasted bitter through successive stock failures. ‘Uri-nam’ Kim Bo-seong confessed to his’laughing’ investment history. Recently aired SBS New Year’s special’The Battle of the Century! He appeared as a panel in’AI vs Humans’, “I have a stock of 10 years. Actually, profits were not good and fell a lot. It was delisted after keeping the stock and loyalty, but it was four times.”

Broadcaster Cho Young-gu is known as a representative stock investment failure icon. “I had 600 million won in hand, and I was invited to try stocks and put in 2,000 won, but I made 10 million won in 15 days,” he said. Afterwards, “I put all the money in the stock, thinking’Why have I made so hard?’ I wanted to find the main battle soon, so I put it in the battle post and made it a lot of money and it was really hard. My wife cried and ejaculated to please stop. If I hadn’t dried it, I would have sold the house that I had left.”

Broadcaster Cho Hye-ryeon also confessed in the past, “I lost 200 million won when I invested in stocks with the recommendation of a female celebrity who appeared in’Yeo Girl Six’ together.” “When the stock was the highest, we invested 200 million won, but it fell endlessly, and in the end, we lost a lot of money as the stock was delisted,” he said.

Actor Ji-hoon Kim confessed to the failure to invest in stocks in’I Live Alone’ and attracted attention. Kim Ji-hoon said, “I invested in entertainment stocks, but it suddenly became delisted,” and said, “Isn’t listing delisting basic to stockholders?”

On the other hand, Noh Hong-cheol sees a loss every time he touches the stocks he has been doing for over 10 years, so he is referred to as a’minus hand’. He described his well-known stock failure experience as “just like a gyrodrop.” At the same time,’Ant is Toon Today’, a bio-related stock has achieved a small profit. Noh Hong-cheol even revealed a laughable story, saying, “Are you going to be an apostle to Samsung Electronics?”

The web entertainment ‘Ant is Toon Today’, which deals with the actual stock investment period of Hung-cheol Roh, Din Dean, and Jong-min Kim, also gained popularity. It was well received for giving information and fun to hungry people at the same time through expert tips and discussions.

It records more than 700,000 views each time, and immediately after the release of the content, the topic and content of the stock-related online community came and went.

From the 24th, it will return to Chapter 3 with the theme of’Automobiles’.

CP Park Jin-gyeong, who is in charge of directing, said, “We focused on having fun with experts on how to invest in stocks’smartly’ rather than speculation, and have fun, step by step, from basic common sense, and to realize your own investment method.” “Chapter Following 2, Chapter 3 covers hot topics such as electric vehicles and self-driving cars with the theme of’automobiles’, which has recently been attracting attention, so please look forward to it.”

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[ⓒ 매일경제 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
