“There were three scenarios in the document to be deleted from the DMZ nuclear power plant to support North Korea.”

It was argued that the “North Korean nuclear power plant” document deleted by officials of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy immediately before the audit of Wolseong nuclear power plant No. 1 (December 1, 2019) contained specific measures to build nuclear power plants or supply electricity to North Korea.

Appraisal authorities insisted that “the auditors also know”
North Sinpo nuclear power plant, South Shinhan-ulseo power supply review

An official from the assessment authority said on the 31st, “In the’North Korea Regional Nuclear Power Plant Construction Promotion Plan’ document prepared by the Ministry of Industry’s staff in May 2018 and later deleted, the Korean Peninsula Energy Development Organization (KEDO) built a nuclear power plant at a site designated as a light water reactor site. “I know that there were three scenarios, such as a plan to do this, a plan to build a nuclear power plant in the DMZ, and a plan to send power to North Korea by completing Shin Hanul Units 3 and 4,” he said.

Files related to'North Korea Nuclear Power Plant Construction Promotion Documents' out of the list of 530 files deleted by public officials of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy just before the audit of the Audit Office in December 2019.  Report capture

Files related to’North Korea Nuclear Power Plant Construction Promotion Documents’ out of the list of 530 files deleted by public officials of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy just before the audit of the Audit Office in December 2019. Report capture

In accordance with the 1994 Geneva agreement, KEDO began construction of a light water reactor in Kumho District (Sinpo), South Hamgyeong Province in 1997, but North Korea’s high-enriched uranium (HEU) plan was revealed in 2002, and the relationship between the United States was tangled and the light water reactor project was terminated in 2006. I did it. In addition, construction of Shin Hanul Units 3 and 4 was confirmed in 2015 and was scheduled to be completed in 2022 and 2023, respectively, but construction has been suspended since October 2017 due to the government’s policy of eliminating nuclear power plants by the Moon Jae-in government.

The official insisted, “The auditor also seems to have grasped the contents of the document while conducting an audit of the Wolseong nuclear power plant in 2020.”

In this regard, Shin Hee-dong, a spokesman for the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy said at a briefing on the day, “Reviewing not only North Korea but other areas in South Korea as locations, or mentioning plans to transmit power to the North after nuclear power plants are built in South Korea. It describes a variety of possibilities at the level of unplanned ideas.”

Shin Hee-dong, a spokesman for the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, is briefing on the allegations related to the suspicion of nuclear power in North Korea at the government building in Seoul on the 31st. [연합뉴스]

Shin Hee-dong, a spokesman for the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, is briefing on the allegations related to the suspicion of nuclear power in North Korea at the government building in Seoul on the 31st. [연합뉴스]

Spokesman Shin said, “This document has been closed without further review or public disclosure. Therefore, this issue has not been promoted by government policy, and it is not true that the North Korean nuclear power plant construction was promoted in secret.” said.

However, the opposition party said, “The government has mobilized all kinds of irrational numbers to eliminate nuclear power and built the construction of Shinhanul 3 and 4, but the idea of ​​completing it again for North Korean power support is difficult to see as a simple idea of ​​the working-level team. It is pointed out that the content cannot be produced without reflecting the strong policy will of the Blue House.” In addition, the plan to build a nuclear power plant in the DMZ is also an unconventional content contrary to the current government’s policy of emphasizing the preservation of the DMZ ecosystem.

The power of the people started demanding special prosecutors and state affairs investigations to investigate the truth of North Korean nuclear power documents.

Reporter Yoon Seongmin [email protected]
