There were more than 100 cumulative confirmed cases related to Bucheon Yeongsaenggyo and tutoring academy.

An ambulance arrives at the Seungri Altar in Bucheon City on the 10th, the next day after 53 corona19 confirmed cases occurred at the Seungri Altar and Ojeong-dong Academy, a religious organization in Bucheon-si, Gyeonggi-do, and men wearing masks and carrying luggage are on board. Newsis

The number of confirmed cases of a novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19) related to a religious organization in Bucheon, Gyeonggi-do was 9 additional cases during a day on the 11th, and the cumulative number of confirmed cases exceeded 100.

Bucheon City, Gyeonggi-do said on the day that “9 people were diagnosed with Corona 19 regarding the facilities of the Yeongsaeng Bridge Victory Altar in Goean-dong.”

As a result, the number of cumulative confirmed cases related to the Seungri Altar and Ohjeong Ability Training Institute has increased to 105 as of 4 pm on the day, including 96 confirmed by the previous day.

The nine additional confirmed cases of the Victory Altar were 2 in their 20s, 4 in their 50s, 2 in their 70s, and 1 in their 80s.

The case of infection related to the Seungri Altar spread to Ohjeong-dong moisturizing academy after the first patient occurred on the 7th.

The quarantine authorities are currently inspecting the Yeongsaenggyo branch in another area with the cooperation of the National Police Agency.

Gwak-jin, head of the central quarantine countermeasures headquarters patient management team, said at a regular briefing held at the Osong Center for Disease Control and Prevention in North Chungcheong Province on the afternoon of this afternoon. Depending on the results, the size and direction of the investigation may change in the future.”

Park Minsik reporter

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