“There is no dark matter”… Predicting tremendous wavelengths in astrophysics-Sciencetimes

Research results that deny the widespread theory that’dark matter’ occupies most of the universe are expected to have a great impact in the astronomy world.

An international joint research team, including Professor Chae Kyu-Hyun of Sejong University, announced that the movement of the universe could be explained with’Modified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND)’ instead.

One of the great mysteries in space science over the past few decades is that scientists have measured more gravity than predicted. This raised the question of why more gravity was measured.

Because there must be more visible matter to account for this excess gravity, but there is not enough visible or known matter to account for all of this.

So many scientists have argued that much of the universe is actually made of’dark matter’ that does not interact with light. The theory that dark matter occupies the gravitational force between galaxies has been widespread for nearly 50 years, and it has been an atmosphere that has solidified into orthodox.

The disk-shaped NGC 5949 galaxy. ⒸESA/Hubble and NASA

However, in the early 1980s, physicist Mordhai Milgrom at Israel’s Weizmann Institute suggested the theory of “modified Newtonian mechanics” that the law of gravity was slightly changed, so this excess gravity exists.

Support for’crystal Newtonian mechanics’ instead of dark matter

Contrary to what has been argued that dark matter caused excess gravity in the universe, the theory of modified Newtonian mechanics suggests that gravity at low accelerations is stronger than predicted by pure Newtonian mechanics.

In short,’modified Newtonian mechanics’ replaces Newtonian mechanics and the general relativity claimed by Albert Einstein, meaning that the gravitational phenomena between stars must be calculated in a completely different way.

Also, modified Newtonian mechanics makes a very bold argument. The internal motion of a celestial body in space depends not only on its own mass, but also on gravity from all other masses in the universe, called the’EFE external field effect’.

Milgrom said that if this external gravitational field effect was clearly identified, “they would be a smoking gun that proves that the galaxy is dominated by deformed mechanics rather than according to the laws of Newton and general relativity.”

In this regard, an international research team including Professor Chae Kyu-Hyun of Sejong University and Stacy McGaugh, Director of Astronomy Department at Case Western Reserve in the United States, said, It predicts galactic phenomena more accurately.”

This study supports the theory of’crystal Newtonian mechanics’ rather than the’dark matter theory’, which is widespread in the world astronomy world, and is expected to have a great impact in the astronomy world.

‘External gravitational field effect’ found in 150 galaxies

Professor Chae and McGow’s team discovered EFE in more than 150 galaxies and published the results in The Astrophysical Journal last November.

Professor Chae said, “Because we have been doing research under the hypothesis that dark matter exists, the results of this thesis are inevitably surprising.” Professor Chae added, “At first, we were reluctant to interpret our findings as modified Newtonian mechanics, but now we cannot deny that this apparent result supports the modified Newtonian mechanics rather than the dark matter hypothesis.”

The team analyzed 153 rotation curves of the disk galaxy. The galaxy to be analyzed was selected from the SPARC (Spitzer Photometry and Accurate Rotation Curves) database.

Scientists said that EFE was inferred by observing that galaxies with strong external gravitational fields exhibit rotation curves that slow or decrease more often than galaxies with weak external gravitational fields. This was in line with the predictions of the modified Newtonian theory.

“I was initially skeptical of the results because the effect of the external gravitational field on the rotation curve was expected to be very small,” said Federico Lelli, who participated in the study. However, the research team revealed that after several months of systematic verification, they finally confirmed that they had reliably detected EEF.

Professor Kyu-Hyun Chae, Sejong University ⓒ Kyu-Hyun Chae

“I understand that skepticism is part of the scientific process and that many scientists do not want to discuss the possibility of modified Newtonian mechanics instead of dark matter,” McGow said.

“Many scientists will be hurt if they think that the dark matter theory can be wrong,” said McGow, who shared the same opinions as those in the’dark matter community’. But Milgromm has already predicted this with modified Newtonian mechanics. “No other theory predicted the observed movement,” he stressed.

Regarding the possibility of modified Newtonian mechanics theory, Professor Chae said, “From a theoretical point of view, dark matter is not necessary in the standard model of particle physics based on quantum theory.”

However, due to the problem of gravity, they were forced to assume dark matter particles. On the other hand, Newton’s or Einstein’s existing theory of gravity is not based on quantum theory, that is, quantum gravity theory. Professor Chae added, “Therefore, the correction of the gravitational theory may be more logically reasonable.”

