“The’Power Plant Concept’ delivered by Wen through USB, New Renewable and Thermal Power Plant”

Core Passport in charge of 2018 Inter-Korean Summit
Hankook Ilbo interview claims
“Nuclear power plant, practitioner review is natural,
It was not on the agenda for the summit.”

On April 27, 2018, President Moon Jae-in and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un have a conversation on Doboda-ri during the inter-Korean summit. Reporter Ko Young-kwon

Regarding the suspicion that the government was trying to build a nuclear power plant in North Korea, a passport official dismissed it with the intention that “the idea of ​​a new renewable energy and thermal power plant has been delivered to North Korea, but it is not a nuclear power plant at all.”

Mr. A, a key member of the passport, who was closely involved in the April 27 inter-Korean summit in 2018, explained this in a call with the Hankook Ilbo on the 31st. He said, “President Moon Jae-in delivered the’New Political New Economic Map Initiative’ announced as a representative of the New Political Democracy to North Korea at the time of the summit meeting,” he said. “

During the summit meeting, a scene where President Moon seemed to say “the power plant problem” was broadcast on the Panmunjeom Dobo-ri while talking with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un. On April 30 of that year, at a meeting of the Blue House chief advisors, President Moon said, “I have never spoken about the power plant orally,” and said, “I handed over a booklet and PT (presentation) video material (on USB) to Chairman Kim. It contains (contents related to the power plant) in it.”

On the basis of this remark, opposition parties raise suspicion that the power plant is a nuclear power plant. However, Mr. A claims that the power plant-related content contained in this data was “not a nuclear power plant, but a new renewable energy power plant and thermal power plant-related initiative.” However, Mr. A added that new and renewable energy and thermal power plants were also in terms of conveying the concept, but not the official agenda for the summit meeting.

When asked,’If the Blue House clearly reveals these contents, the suspicions will not be resolved’, Mr. A argued, “If these contents are disclosed, the power of the people and the conservative media will find another issue by biting the tail.” did. Even if it is a power plant other than nuclear power, the moment the Blue House officials it, the opposition can continue the offensive, saying, “Are you going to spread North Korea anyway?”

Mr. A said, “It’s too natural” for the possibility that the nuclear power plant support was considered one of the considerations for denuclearization at the level of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy. The plan to build a nuclear power plant in North Korea was also promoted during the Kim Young-sam administration, so it is not unusual to be considered for review. At the same time, Mr. A said, “Any power plant can be reviewed on the premise of North Korea’s denuclearization, but even if it is built, renewable energy (rather than nuclear power) comes first.”

Mr. A replied, “The opposition party is raising a problem with respect to the nuclear power plant, but what is the basis for it?” “The only thing is that there was (data related to the North Korean nuclear power plant) on the computer of the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy, and is this not even after the summit meeting?”

Seongtaek Lee reporter

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