The won-dollar exchange rate starts to fall by 5 won… Risk preference recovery

On the morning of the 29th, the won/dollar exchange rate started falling.

As of 9:10 am on the Seoul foreign exchange market, the won/dollar exchange rate is 1,114.5 won per dollar, down 5.1 won from the previous day.

The exchange rate started at 1,114.0 won, down 5.6 won, and has fluctuated in the mid-1,110 won range at the beginning of the market.

The risk preference sentiment has recovered somewhat, and the previous day’s sharp rise (15.2 won) has been partially restored.

Major indices such as the Dow Jones 30 Industrial Average (0.99%), the Standard & Poor’s (S&P) 500 Index, and the Nasdaq Index (0.50%) rebounded last night in the New York Stock Exchange.

The US economic growth rate in the fourth quarter of last year was less than expected, but it did not act as a factor of further market uncertainty.

The breaking point (seasonal adjustment) of the US’s gross domestic product (GDP) growth in the fourth quarter of last year was calculated at an annual rate of 4.0% compared to the previous year.

This is lower than the 4.3% market estimate compiled by the Wall Street Journal (WSJ).

So Byung-eun, a researcher at NH Futures, said, “The exchange rate will move away from the weak consensus due to the slowing of the long (dollar purchase) sentiment due to the rebound in the New York Stock Exchange last night.” “It will put pressure on the weakening dollar.”

The KRW/JPY fiscal exchange rate is 1,068.00 KRW per 100 yen as of 9:10 am, down 5.8 KRW from the standard price (1,073.80 KRW) at 3:30 pm the previous day.

/yunhap news

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