The whole country is affected by yellow dust, fine dust’very bad’… Big daily crossover attention

Input 2021.03.16 06:30

On Tuesday, the 16th, the whole country will be affected by the yellow dust. The concentration of fine dust will also show’very bad’ levels across the country.

The appearance of downtown Seoul on the 14th that recorded bad fine dust. /yunhap news

According to the Meteorological Administration on the day, the yellow dust, which originated in the Inner Mongolia Highlands, the Gobi Desert, and the northeastern region of China, is expected to affect the whole country, mainly in the west, until the morning as it travels southward by riding the north wind.

The Meteorological Administration predicted that the yellow dust will gradually weaken on the 17th. However, depending on the flow of the barometer around the Korean peninsula, there is a possibility that it will continue to be weak.

The air quality is not good. Due to the influence of yellow dust, the concentration of fine dust was predicted to be’very bad’ in the metropolitan area, Chungcheong area, Honam area, and Jeju area, and’bad’ in the Gangwon area and Yeongnam area. Gangwon and Yeongnam areas will temporarily show’very bad’ levels in the morning.

The temperature in the central region will be similar to the previous day (-1-8 degrees), but in the southern regions it will rise 4-6 degrees, showing a distribution around 10 degrees.

The current morning temperature by region is ▲ Seoul 7.8 degrees ▲ Incheon 6.7 degrees ▲ Suwon 7.8 degrees ▲ Chuncheon 10.0 degrees ▲ Gangneung 13.5 degrees ▲ Cheongju 10.3 degrees ▲ Daejeon 11.8 degrees ▲ Jeonju 10.7 degrees ▲ Gwangju 12.0 degrees ▲ Jeju 14.9 degrees ▲ Daegu 12.6 degrees ▲ Busan 13.8 degrees ▲ Ulsan 13.2 degrees ▲ Changwon 11.8 degrees.

The Meteorological Administration urged, “Because the temperature difference between day and night centered on the inland area will be very large, around 15 degrees Celsius, please be careful not to cause health problems such as lowering of immunity.”

The rain will continue until morning everywhere. Estimated precipitation from the previous day to the morning of the day is around 10 to 40 mm in Jeju Island, 5 to 10 mm in Honam area, the central region (excluding the east coast of Gangwon), Jeonbuk, the western inland of Yeongnam, the southern coast of Gyeongnam, Ulleungdo, and Dokdo around 5mm.

The wave of the sea will rise from 0.5 to 2 m off the east sea, 0.5 to 1.5 m off the west sea, and 0.5 to 1 m off the south sea. The wave height of the far sea is expected to be 1 to 3 m in the east sea, 1 to 2.5 m in the west sea, and 0.5 to 2 m in the south sea.
