The wedding hall where I picked and picked me up… ‘Notice of business closure’ by text


With this step adjustment, the wedding-related guidelines have also been relaxed, but the damage to the wedding industry is also not significant. As wedding halls that cannot withstand and close their doors increase, the damage to the business is natural, and I am not the only victim of the damage to prospective couples whose marriage plans are the most important in their lives.

A few days ago, a wedding hall in Seoul was closed, and 50 couples of prospective couples are rolling their feet together. Reporter Choi Jong-hyuk covered the news.


The door of a wedding hall in Guro-gu, Seoul, was firmly closed.

It was no longer possible to operate due to corona.

A text message was received by a bride in her 20s who made a reservation here.

[결혼식장 폐업 피해 예비신부 : 꿈인 줄 알았죠, 솔직하게 말하면. (예비신랑이) ‘이거 진짜야?’ 물어보길래 : 저도 전화를 했더니 없는 번호라고 나오는 거예요.]

The company said it would refund the down payment in order.

They also offered to send the contract to another nearby wedding hall.

However, if the date you want is not empty elsewhere, you will have to set the date again.

Only here, 50 couples of prospective couples received the same notification.

[결혼식장 폐업 피해 예비신부 : (결혼식에) 맞춰서 드레스 투어도 신청을 했고, 스튜디오 사진도 다음 달로 신청했기 때문에…원하는 날짜에 예식장이 구해지지 않으면 저희는 차질이 많이 빚어지죠.]

He says that he is even more upset because a new start in life will be disrupted rather than financial damage.

[결혼식장 폐업 피해 예비신랑 : 가족분들한테는 말을 아예 못 했고, 괜히 또 어르신들 놀랄까봐 말도 못 하고…  신부는 당황스럽고 울죠, 매일.]

According to the Korea Wedding Industry Federation, 18 wedding halls closed last year in the metropolitan area.

Only this year, four have closed.

[한국예식업중앙회 관계자 : 서울 시내 예식장 평균 임대료가 1억에서 1억5천 정도 합니다. 재난지원금 10원도 못 받았습니다. 집합제한을 해도. 전년도 매출 기준 10억원 이상은 소상공인이 아니라고…]

They say that the wedding industry followed the quarantine rules well, but unlike other industries, there was no support.
