“The victim should do MeToo”: Professor Lee Soo-jung’s comment on’Kim Byung-wook’ withdrawal is controversial

The power of the people Rep. Kim Byung-wook was withdrawn on the 7th due to the suspicion of sexual assault by a female secretary, and the remarks of a criminal psychologist, Professor Lee Soo-jeong of Gyeonggi University, are controversial around SNS.

Earlier, Professor Byung-Wook Kim left the YouTube channel’Garosero Research Institute (Ka Se-yeon)’ to his suspicion of sexual assault, saying, “I will return after revealing my innocence.” When he withdrew just before the party’s emergency countermeasures committee meeting to discuss his move, suspicion of “cutting the tail” was raised at the party level.

In this regard, Professor Lee Soo-jeong, who participated in the Special Committee for the Countermeasures against Sexual Violence of the People’s Force, said in a phone call with Newsis on the 8th, “It was a good thing to announce that we would withdraw once only with suspicion. Usually, the case doesn’t go on like that.”

Prof. Lee Soo-jeong said, “I have various doubts,” in that it is a suspicion that was raised before the by-election in April. “By bypassing with some intention, giving information such as a tip, it causes trouble, and you have to be very careful.” Professor Lee pointed out, “Why should the victim do’MeToo’ but not?”

Rep. Kim Byung-wook’s resignation is a’good job’, and the proponents of criminal passports are greatly angry at the remarks of Professor Lee that’you have to go directly to the victims’, and the charge is continued through SNS.

Currently, on certain SNS, voices of criticism such as “When is the sexual offense conviction abolished, do you tell the victim to’come out’?”, “Isn’t it a’second offense’ against the victim?” Makes the main. On the other hand, there is also a counterargument about “Do you mean to believe in the disclosure of Gase-yeon at face value?”

Last year, Professor Lee was baptized with bad comments from ruling party supporters while working on the Special Countermeasures for Sexual Violence and the Preparatory Committee for the Primary at the request of the people’s strength. In particular, Prof. Lee Soo-jeong’s husband, Lee Eun-jae attorney’s relationship with Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol, ties both Professor Lee and his wife as opposition supporters. Accordingly, Professor Lee said, “I have never received as many bad comments in my life as in 2020.” “The pot cannot keep boiling. When the water is all dry, the pot will burn out.” Until now, Professor Lee has not identified a specific party to support.

Kim Im-soo Editor: [email protected]
