The vaccination started, but… US and Europe corona situation worsens day by day

Christmas aftermath didn’t come… US inpatients exceeded 100,000 on the 26th day
‘Mutation’ The first 40,000 new cases in UK 50,000 cumulative deaths in Spain

Vaccination for the novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19) has begun in earnest in Europe following the US, but the situation is worsening day by day with the appearance of a mutated virus in the aftermath of the Christmas holiday.

According to CNN broadcasting in the United States on the 28th (local time), the number of patients receiving inpatient treatment for Corona 19 in the United States was 11,720 as of the previous day, exceeding 100,000 for 26 consecutive days.

In particular, six states, including California, Georgia, and North Carolina, recorded an all-time high in hospitalization on this day.

As the number of inpatients increased rapidly, intensive care unit (ICU) beds were also broken in parts of California.

Despite such a bad situation, experts point out that the’worst moment’ remains.

This is because the’Christmas aftermath’ has not yet been reflected.

According to the Transportation Safety Administration (TSA), from the 18th, a week before Christmas to the 26th, the day after Christmas, approximately 8.9 million people passed the screenings at airports across the United States.

On the 27th, the last day of the holiday, 1284,599 people passed the search, the highest level since the corona 19 pandemic.

Compared to last year, the use of the airport has dropped by half, but considering that the spread of Corona 19 is intensifying, it is pointed out that there are too many people traveling for Christmas.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the number of cumulative corona 19 confirmed cases in the United States currently stands at 1,9055,000, and around 200,000 new confirmed cases are coming out a day.

The UK, which started large-scale vaccination of Pfizer-Bioentech’s Corona 19 vaccine, was the first in the world and even referred to the vaccination start date as’V-Day’ (Victory Day).

On this day, the number of new confirmed cases in the UK was 41,385, exceeding 40,000 for the first time since the start of the pandemic in March.

It is analyzed that the reason why the spread rate has accelerated by more than 2,000 people than the previous maximum (39,000 people on the 23rd of this month) is due to the mutation of 70% more spreading power.

Although each country has locked it with a lock, such as blocking flights from the UK, mutations have been found in many countries, including Korea.

In Spain, the number of corona deaths increased by 298 on this day, and the cumulative death toll exceeded 50,000 (50,122). Among Western European countries, the number of cumulative deaths exceeding 50,000 is the fourth after Italy, Britain and France.

In Germany, 11,976 confirmed patients the day before, and the cumulative number of patients was 16,51,834.

In addition, the number of deaths increased by 348 to 3126, exceeding 30,000.

The number of confirmed cases and deaths per day in Germany dropped sharply compared to the previous week.

However, considering that the number of prosecutors declined during the Christmas holiday and some local governments stopped reporting statistics, it is difficult to say that the situation has improved.

In particular, in Germany, suspicions have also been raised that some nursing homes concealed the fact that residents were infected with Corona 19.

Italy, like Germany, has fewer new cases per day than before.

In fact, the number of new confirmed cases in Italy the day before was 8,913, which was less than 10,000 for the first time since October 19th.

The decrease in new cases is analyzed due to the effect of selective blockades in’high risk areas’ such as northern Lombardy.

However, it is pointed out that the number of new confirmed cases per day decreases as there are only 59,000 tests per day, and the confirmation rate, which represents the number of confirmed cases compared to the number of tests, is close to 15%.

According to the European Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (ECDC), the cumulative number of confirmed cases and deaths in 31 European countries, including the UK, amounted to 1,6247,000 and 403,000, respectively.

(yunhap news)
