The UN directly jumps into the Myanmar crisis… Reviewing the initiation of the’intervention principle’

An image of a phrase calling for direct UN intervention by Myanmar citizens. It is widely shared online. SNS capture

The UN has begun to consider ways to directly intervene in the coup in Myanmar, which turned into a massacre. The key question is whether the’R2P Responsibility to protect’, the basis for UN intervention in a crisis country, can be applied to Myanmar. The international community is fiercely pressing the United Nations, saying, “Don’t hesitate anymore,” because of the military brutality that freely kills its own people.

The UN Security Council held a closed meeting on the 5th (local time) and discussed ways to resolve the Myanmar crisis. At the meeting, it was reported that there was a controversy over the R2P provision, saying,’If a specific country fails to protect its citizens from the four major crimes such as genocide, the international community can take compulsory measures.’ The member states agree with the seriousness of the Myanmar crisis, but subtly disagree on whether or not to apply R2P.

The R2P regulations were applied unanimously during the 2011 civil war in Libya. However, no agreement was reached between Zimbabwe and Myanmar, which were plagued by political unrest in 2008. This is because China, Myanmar’s military’s largest friend, strongly opposed direct UN intervention. Again, the outlook is not bright as there is a high likelihood that China will take a toll.

The citizens of Yangon, Myanmar, are protesting on the 5th to demand the United Nations put Myanmar as an R2P target. SNS capture

The international community has repeatedly demanded the UN’s quick decision. Myanmar Human Rights Special Investigator Thomas Andrews stressed at the Security Council that “we must immediately implement arms embargo, military economic sanctions, and referrals to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) during R2P.” The United States also joined the pressure. On the same day, the US Department of Commerce imposed additional sanctions by listing four companies, including Myanmar Department of Defense and Ministry of Interior, and Myanmar Economic Enterprise (MEC) and Myanmar Economic Holding Company (MEHL) owned by the military. YouTube, a video sharing site, also launched a support fire by removing the five channel platforms owned by the military.

The citizens of Myanmar are also eagerly hoping for the UN’s intervention. Signs stating’R2P, how many more bodies are needed for the UN to move’ appeared at the meeting site. Most citizens shouted, “I don’t want war, but the UN should take action.” It is reported that one protester was shot dead in Mandalay on that day as well.

Police officers who joined the protesters after rejecting the Myanmar military’s firing order last month are marching, shouting anti-coup slogans. Irrawaddy capture

As the whole of Myanmar is stained with blood day after day, there are also signs of cracking that some of the rioters are on the side of the citizens. It is said that at least 100 police have joined the protesters by this day. It ranges from the police chief in Yangon, the largest city, to the troops at the end, and from the capital Naepido to the northernmost province of Tanantai. They said to the social network service (SNS), “I will no longer follow the orders of the military. “Let’s be loyal to the people”, etc., and urged colleagues to leave.

The military also left the unit after 12 members of the southern Karen state protesters recently refused the firing order. They later joined the Karen National Federation (KNU) of ethnic minority resistance and aimed their guns against the military. It is also known that 115 intelligence officers who support the riot troops from the rear have joined the Civil Disobedience Movement (CDM) a while ago.

Hanoi= Jaeho Jeong Correspondent

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