The U.S. speeds up vaccination, the third one is one shot and cheap

[사진출처 = 연합뉴스]

picture explanation[사진출처 = 연합뉴스]

Vaccination against the new coronavirus infection (Corona 19) in the United States is accelerating.

This is because the US, which has been vaccinated with Modena after Pfizer, is expected to introduce another vaccine next month.

The’third vaccine’, which is currently being widely discussed, is a vaccine being developed by Janssen, a subsidiary of Johnson & Johnson, USA.

In an interview with ABC Broadcasting on the 20th (local time), US Assistant Secretary of Health Brett Girore said, “Jansen will request approval for emergency use of the Corona 19 vaccine in January.

“We will go through all of the established procedures transparently, and we don’t know the results yet,” he said.

Janssen’s vaccine is a vaccine that South Korea also announced that it would conclude a supply contract within this year.

What makes Jansen’s vaccine different from other vaccines is that it only needs to be given once.

Most Corona 19 vaccines, such as Pfizer, Modena, and AstraZeneca, require two doses to be effective.

It is a virus vector vaccine that can be stored at room temperature, which is easy to distribute and injects a virus that is harmless to the human body.

The cost of a single dose of Janssen’s vaccine is around 1,900 won, which is cheaper than the Pfizer Moder vaccine.

What is concerned is that the Janssen vaccine is still in the final phase of clinical trials, phase 3. It is expected that the approval of emergency use will be decided according to the results coming out next month.

According to a summary of the Global Health Innovation Center at Duke University, as of the 18th, 374 million doses of Janssen vaccine were contracted or purchased. In addition to Korea (4 million times), EU 200 million times, US 100 million times, UK 30 million times, Canada 38 million times, New Zealand 2 million times, etc.

[이상규 매경닷컴 기자 [email protected]]
[ⓒ 매일경제 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
