The transformation of a middle boy who was humiliated by a photographer without clothes for graduation photo

Due to obesity, a Chinese boy who heard a loud voice from a photographer during his graduation album because he didn’t have clothes to fit his body has succeeded in dieting and transformed himself with an effort to cut his bones.
On the 31st of last month, China’s state-run CCTV introduced the story of Jang Chun Hao (張宸豪, 12), a boy in Zang Suseong who recently successfully lost weight and was broadcast.
According to CCTV, classmates called Jang Chun Hao’Tong Tong’. Parents also wanted their son to go on a diet, but Jang has no intention of doing that.
Jang’s father said, “Because of my busy work, I did not have time to teach my son.” “One day, when I opened the backpack, there was nothing to eat inside,” said my mother.
The actual weight of the intestine is 65kg, which is far more than the average weight of the peers of 45kg.
However, a tremendous incident occurred to the intestine who had no intention of dieting.
It is an elementary school graduation photo. Zhang and her classmates decided to take a photo in a group uniform. But when the jean’s clothes didn’t fit, the photographer cut the back vertically with scissors.
With this incident, Jang finally went on a diet.

I cut my usual meals by more than 60% and quit snacks, especially obesity. I also ran with the treadmill for more than an hour every day.
After these efforts, Jang lost 15kg in two months.
CCTV reported that school grades also improved because of confidence.
[이상규 매경닷컴 기자 [email protected]]

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