The text of’Our President Yun’ was accepted in 1 hour.

President Moon Jae-in is moving to the meeting chairman after awarding the appointment letter to the new Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol.  yunhap news

President Moon Jae-in is moving to the meeting chairman after awarding the appointment letter to the new Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol. yunhap news

President Moon Jae-in accepted Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol’s appreciation at 3 pm on the 4th. It was only one hour after the voice of the company. When President Yoon was appointed in July 2019, President Moon expressed his strong confidence, saying, “We are President Yoon.” One year and eight months later, Yoon emerged as a leading presidential election runner in the opposition, leaving President Moon on his back.

26 words “Accepted by President Moon” announced in 1 hour

Chung Man-ho, chief of public communication at the Blue House, said in a briefing that “President Moon Jae-in accepted the appreciation of Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol.” At 2 pm, an hour before the briefing, President Yoon said, “Our society has built up over the years. It is difficult to see the collapse of common sense and justice anymore.”And declared a drop-off. The prosecution’s internal communication network reads the title of’Written to the Prosecutor’s Family’ and says, “The abolition of the prosecution’s right to investigate and the establishment of the Severe Crime Investigation Office (heavy water office) It is not a reform of the prosecutionI even nailed it to him. He rebelled against the Moon Jae-in administration’s reform of the prosecution and threw his job.

“Our President Yun”, why did you become blinded?

Just one year and eight months ago, the airflow was very different. On July 25, 2019, President Moon conferred a letter of appointment to President Yoon and urged him to “have the same attitude toward living power.” President Moon at the time “Our President YunI said.

It is interpreted that it is attempting to publicly announce the full confidence of the President of Yoon, who was five less than the former president and who was chosen without passing through a high prosecutor’s office. Yoon, who was demoted from the Park Geun-hye administration after leaving the words “I am not loyal to people,” heard the Moon Jae-in administration National Nongdan Investigation and Judicial Nongdan InvestigationLed. At the same time, he rose to the Seoul Central District Prosecutors’ Office and the Prosecutor General.

At the time of the fatherland, Min Jeong-seok and Yoon Seok-yeol, the prosecutor general.  Central photo

At the time of the motherland, Min Jeong-seok and Yoon Seok-yeol, the prosecutor general. Central photo

Yoon’s eye-catching thing is Massive investigation into former Minister of Justice Cho Kookend The momentum is the central opinion of the political and legal circles. On August 27, 2019, under the direction of General Yoon, the prosecution confiscated and searched more than 20 places, including Pusan ​​National University and Korea University, simultaneously. It started to investigate allegations of denial of admission to the children of former Minister Cho. In addition, it investigated allegations of corruption in the private equity fund of former Minister Cho’s family. In the aftermath of such an investigation, Cho fell down after taking office in September last year. Afterwards, President Yoon proceeded to investigate suspicion of intervening elections in the Ulsan mayor of the Blue House.

From the fall massacre to job exclusion

Former Justice Minister Choo Mi-ae, who was appointed as the successor to Cho in January of last year, had an extreme ‘Chu-Yun conflict’ until he retired in January this year. Immediately after taking office ‘Yun Seok-yeol’s Division Massacre’It started with a senior prosecutor’s official named.

In particular, as the investigation into suspicion of manipulating the economic feasibility of Wolseong Unit 1 accelerated, the level of offensive on passports, including Minister Chu, increased day by day. This is because it was an investigation in line with the legitimacy of the’post-nuclear war’ policy, which was one of the presidential pledges. In the case of Lime Asset Management and Optimus Fund, in which allegations of government involvement were raised, Yoon did not back down.

Justice Minister Cho Mi-ae, Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol.  Central photo

Justice Minister Cho Mi-ae, Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol. Central photo

The highest point of the conflict came in June of last year during the Channel A suspicion involving Prosecutor Han Dong-hoon, who is closest to President Yoon. In relation to this incident, former Minister Chu beat General Yoon day after day, saying, “If you heard the Minister’s words, you commanded the things that would pass by and made things go wrong.” In July of last year, the commander of the investigation said, ‘Keep your hand off’This was also triggered. This is the first time since 2005. At that time, General Yoon actually accepted the order from Minister Choo. However, when it was revealed in October last year that an incumbent prosecutor in connection with the Lime Asset Management lobbying suspicion was treated with alcohol, Minister Chu again invoked the right to command five investigations, including the case. General Yoon also did not endure any more. In the same month’s audit of the Supreme Swordsman’s State Administration, Yoon said, “Justically, the President is not a subordinate of the Minister,” he said, “it is certainly unfair” and “uncommon sense” about the initiation of the investigation command.

The Chu-Yun conflict is unprecedented in dedication Disciplinary action and exclusion of duties by the presidentI ran up to the low. In December of last year, President Moon approved the’two-month suspension’ proposed by former Minister Chu. In fact, he signed a document stating that he would make Yoon the de facto ‘Plant-General’. However, when the court suspended the two-month suspension of President Yoon’s suspension, the president actually raised his hand. President Moon himself even said, “I apologize as a person in charge of personnel for causing confusion to the people.” After Yoon’s return, the government’s approval rating declined in this process, while Yoon actually became a candidate for the presidential power.

After pushing the passport’completely reviewed’, I finally received my gratitude

The Minister of Justice was changed to Secretary Park Bum-gye in January this year, but the current regime’s prosecutors’ stance did not change significantly. It is an evaluation that he was still a person who tried to isolate General Yoon. In addition, the Democratic Party pushed for’complete inspection’ (complete deprivation of the prosecution’s right to investigate) following the establishment of the Greater Crime Investigation Office (SMB).

General Yoon, who has refrained from speaking and acting as well as appreciation, said, “You can remove all prosecutors under the prosecutor general. However, the capacity for corruption crimes must be preserved through a combination of investigation and prosecution.”And poured out a remark. It was through an unusual press interview. (尹 “I hate the public interests and take the national interests hostage, the heavy water office is withdrawn from history” (Professional)) On April 7th, Seoul and Busan mayors re-election by-election is about a month ahead, and the presidential election on March 9th next year is about a year left. Inside and outside the prosecutors’ opinion, there is an opinion that Yun has actually started his political career.

A former prosecutor’s officer said, “It was a misfortune that had been foretold since the time of the appointment of President Yoon,” and said, “It was a tragedy that resulted from the fact that Yoon actually fulfilled the president’s order to’exactly investigate the living powers’.”

Reporter Kim Soo-min [email protected]
