‘The taste of the wife’ Ham So-won’s Chinese mother-in-law suspected of manipulating a luxurious villa

[매일경제 스타투데이 진향희 기자]

Actor Ham So-won was overwhelmed by the theory of operation of his parents-in-law’s villa. The suspicion was raised that the Chinese parents-in-law’s private villa introduced in the past ‘Taste of a Wife’ is a ‘Airbnb accommodation’.

Recently, in an online community,’Ham So-won and Jujak. It’s Airbnb, the place where you came out as your in-laws’ villa,’ a post was posted, foreshadowing the controversy.

The author of the article insisted, “It is Ham So-won’s villa and the Korean drama team came and filmed a drama, but somehow there were no personal items,” and insisted that “Airbnb was the place where Shiga said it was a villa.”

He added, “In China, individuals cannot own the land, so I don’t know why their in-laws keep saying that their in-laws are rich with the land of Yeouido.”

The photos of a hostel in Heilongjiang Province in Harbin, China, registered on the Airbnb website matched the villa and house structure, interior, and furniture arrangement of Ham So-won’s in-laws revealed in the past TV Chosun entertainment show,’The Taste of a Wife’.

In’The Wife’s Taste’, which aired on October 8, 2019, the luxury private villa on the third floor of Ham So-won’s Chinese parents-in-law was revealed and attracted attention.

At that time, it was depicted that the mother-in-law lived in a villa on the third floor of Harbin for the harvest season, and Sowon Ham said, “It is not my home, it is a villa. China is now harvesting like Korea. “I am in a villa because Harbin has a large crop of rice and corn, so I can’t go back and forth during the harvest season.”

The villa where my parents-in-law were staying had two living rooms, and one living room was equipped with a high-end home theater.

What attracted more attention was the farm of the evolutionary parents, known as’the rich man’, with a scale of 100,000 pyeong. The unveiled cornfield was amazed because the end could not be seen. Surprised by the size of the five soccer fields, Park Myung-soo stuttered and said, “Ji… Is it Jinhua’s field?” It was enough to say.

However, due to this suspicion, even the credibility of Ham So-won’s remarks from the wealthy farmers and wealthy farmers who have been boasting on broadcasts is suspected.

On the 26th, the’wife’s taste’ said, “I will check” regarding the controversy over the manipulation of a private villa.

Meanwhile, Ham So-won has a daughter, Hye-jeong, who married Evolution, an 18-year-old younger, in 2018. Recently, the rumors of disagreement and divorce were raised, but they closed the conflict and said, “I’m going to start over.”

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Photos ㅣTV Chosun broadcasting screen

[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
