The stolen regime, another military force expelled… Coup regular number 21 in Thailand

A coup broke out in Myanmar on the 1st. Even in the 21st century, when discussing the 4th Industrial Revolution, coups are still a common occurrence around the world. The’coup era’, which once thought it was fashionable, continues.

[박용한 배틀그라운드]
‘The era of the coup’ is not over
Deep-rooted military dictatorship DNA
The background behind the coup

Last August, in Mali, Africa, a coup recurred after eight years. In April 2019, troops also moved in Sudan. President Omar al-Bashir, who was expelled at this time, came to power in the wake of a coup in 1989. Another coup expelled the coup regime.

On the 3rd, a coup armored vehicle is moving in Michina, Kachin, Myanman.  On this day, Aung San Suji was officially prosecuted two days after he was arrested. [사진 STR=AFP=연합뉴스]

On the 3rd, a coup armored vehicle is moving in Michina, Kachin, Myanman. On this day, Aung San Suji was officially prosecuted two days after he was arrested. [사진 STR=AFP=연합뉴스]

In South America, five coups took place within 10 years just after entering the 2000s, which started the 21st century. From Venezuela in 2002 to Haiti in 2004, Bolivia in 2008, Honduras in 2009, and Ecuador in 2010.

‘Coup d’etat’ is a French word meaning that power is usurped by force. In 1851, Louis Napoleon III launched a “December 2” coup to extend his term as president. From this time on, the modern state defined it as a coup when it took power through illegal and violent means.

The regular coup d’etat is Thailand. Since the 1932 coup abolished the despotism and introduced the constitutional monarchy, there have been 21 large and small coups. The first coup reduced the throne, but after that it was a coup for the guard that strengthened the throne.

In September 2006, the Thai military launched a coup d'état to drive out Prime Minister Thaksin Chinnight.  The coup forces are guarding downtown Bangkok. [중앙포토]

In September 2006, the Thai military launched a coup d’état to drive out Prime Minister Thaksin Chinnight. The coup forces are guarding downtown Bangkok. [중앙포토]

In 2006, Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Chinnawat visited the United States during the 19th coup in Thailand. Thai king Bumi von Adunyadet raised the hand of the military who initiated the coup.

Prime Minister Thaksin also had a chance to reverse. His younger sister Ying-Lak Chinnawat became prime minister in August 2011. But the army moved again. The coup that took place in May 2014 again lost power.

The forces behind the hidden coup

Experts believe that both coups were in fact driven by the will of the Thai king. This is because Prime Minister Thaksin, who was supported by the public, pushed to reduce his royal power after taking office.

The king’s authority in Thailand is powerful. Even if the military seizes power by force, if it does not receive the approval of the king, it must withdraw. The coup that took place in 1992 seemed to be successful, but in a word from the king, it turned out to be nothing.

On July 16, 2016, in Ankara, Turkey, protesters block a tank of coup forces.  That night, the Turkish military said it had suppressed the coup and urged them to go to the streets to express their support for the Turkish government and the president. [사진 AP]

On July 16, 2016, in Ankara, Turkey, protesters block a tank of coup forces. That night, the Turkish military said it had suppressed the coup and urged them to go to the streets to express their support for the Turkish government and the president. [사진 AP]

Even in Turkey, coups are commonplace. It has been repeated six times since 1960. The most recent coup attempt in 2016 was aimed at driving out President Rezef Taif Erdogan, who had been in power since 2003. However, Erdogan failed and failed.

The number of troops involved in the coup was only 1,000, and there was a limit from the beginning. But I also seized a decisive opportunity. Two coup F-16 fighters overtook Erdogan’s plane. Erdogan was urgently returning to Istanbul from his vacation on a private plane.

It was in the shooting range, but the pilot did not press the missile launch button in the end. Erdogan landed safely and suppressed the coup. There has also been a laughable incident in which the military who participated in the coup was assaulted by citizens.

On August 7, 2016, Turkish President Erdogan speaks at a rally in Istanbul.  Earlier, the attempted coup on July 15 was only attempted. [사진 터키 대통령궁=AP]

On August 7, 2016, Turkish President Erdogan speaks at a rally in Istanbul. Earlier, the attempted coup on July 15 was only attempted. [사진 터키 대통령궁=AP]

Why didn’t I shoot it? In a public opinion poll, 32% of Turkish citizens said that the attempted coup was’a self-made play by President Erdogan for the elimination of statics’. Of course, nothing has been clearly revealed yet.

A coup lasts long once it takes root. The’survival DNA’ of the military, which took power after destroying the fragile monarchy and regime by force, remains to this day.

‘Arab Spring’ collapses in coup

In July 1952, Muhammad Nagib and other youth officers launched a coup in Egypt, destroying the monarchy and establishing a republic. At this time, the military regime that was established has been a national leader from the military for over half a century.

In January 2011, protests against President Mubarak's 30-year rule were held in Cairo, Egypt.  The'Arab Spring' uprising in Tunisia and other places in 2010 spread throughout the Middle East and affected Egypt as well. [사진 AP]

In January 2011, protests against President Mubarak’s 30-year rule were held in Cairo, Egypt. The’Arab Spring’ uprising in Tunisia and other places in 2010 spread throughout the Middle East and affected Egypt as well. [사진 AP]

In February 2011, the Egyptian military regime finally collapsed. The’Arab Spring’, which started blowing in the Middle East, led to the Egyptian Revolution. Hosni Mubarak, a former Air Force captain who became the fourth president in October 1981, came down from power after 30 years in power.

But the vested rights began to wriggle. Since the coup in 1952, the military has maintained a privileged position and monopolized various interests. The 2011 revolution went beyond the downfall of Mubarak’s individual and came as a crisis for the military as well.

The Arab spring was short. In July 2013, a coup led by Defense Minister Abdul Patah R.C. and military commander-in-chief took place. He took office as the sixth president of Egypt in March 2014. The military regime was thus revived.

In July 2013, near the Presidential Palace in Cairo, Egypt, an attack helicopter is looking around. [사진 AP]

In July 2013, near the Presidential Palace in Cairo, Egypt, an attack helicopter is looking around. [사진 AP]

The Iraqi coup in 1958 was similar to the’Waihwa Islands’ return. In July of that year, at the request of King Hussein I of Jordan, Iraqi troops were dispatched. However, Abd Al-Kalim Qashim turned his army and advanced to Baghdad.

The 1963 coup, led by Abdul Salam Arif, that drove Kasim away, was made possible thanks to the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). The coup led by Ahmed Hassan Albakr in 1968 shook power again. Even at this time, there was an invisible hand.

Middle East-South American coup, US (CIA) covert intervention

Alvakr resigned as a chronic illness in 1979 and then handed over the seat to the vice president. It was Saddam Hussein, the fifth president, who ruled Iraq from that time to 2003. Hussein was able to ascend to power thanks to the United States and came down from power because of the United States.

Traces of US involvement in the coup are also found in South America. The United States supported the invasion of Pygsmann, a military operation that overthrew the Cuban government with Fidel Castro in April 1961, and the coups that overthrew the socialist regime, including the 1964 coup in Brazil and the 1973 coup in Chile.

A tank of coup troops launched on the Red Square in Moscow in August 1991. [사진 AFP]

A tank of coup troops launched on the Red Square in Moscow in August 1991. [사진 AFP]

There are few coups in the socialist system. In North Korea, there are some cases such as the 1994 ‘6th Corps incident’, but most of them are exaggerated or vague. In the former Soviet Union, a socialist country, there was one coup on August 19, 1991. The coup caused by the conservatives of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union against reform and openness failed after two days, but rather accelerated the collapse of the Soviet regime.

A Japanese coup that almost delayed liberation… Also affects 5·16

The liberation of Korea was almost delayed due to the coup in Japan. On August 14, 1945, a coup called the’gungseong incident’ took place. Some groups of young officers within the Japanese Army Ministry unconditionally protested surrender and insisted on “to the last one member to fight back”.

The anti-propaganda forces planned to eliminate the surrendering party, including the Prime Minister, but could not find a coordinating force. Crucially, the emperor didn’t even give their hands, so the coup wasn’t there in a day. As the war ended, there was no punishment.

In December 1979, during a coup by the military centered on Chun Doo-hwan, a martial law army tank is in front of the Central Office. [중앙포토]

In December 1979, during a coup by the military centered on Chun Doo-hwan, a martial law army tank is in front of the Central Office. [중앙포토]

Japan’s’Neighboring Country’ also influenced Korea’s ‘5/16 coup’. On February 26, 1936, there was a coup called the ‘2/26 Incident’. A young right-wing officer, called the Yellow Dog, rose up to strengthen the emperor’s family and eradicate corruption. The emperor, who was worried, ordered to return to the original world after two days. Some of the ecliptic officers committed themselves and some of the novice officers avoided punishment.

Hiroshi Kanno, who participated in the ‘2.26 Incident’, was deported to the Manchurian army. Here, I met Park Jeong-hee, a student at Manju Military Academy, and stayed close. Park Jung-hee also met Sakaki Company Commander, who was a member of the Yellow Dodo at the Japanese military academy.

Citizens who participated in a protest against the coup in Yangon, Myanmar on the 6th, wear face masks depicting the Democratic Peoples League (NLD), a political party led by National Advisor Aung San Suu Kyi, and salute the'three fingers' symbol of resistance. [사진 EPA=연합뉴스]

Citizens who participated in a protest against the coup in Yangon, Myanmar on the 6th, wear face masks depicting the Democratic Peoples League (NLD), a political party led by National Advisor Aung San Suu Kyi, and salute the’three fingers’ symbol of resistance. [사진 EPA=연합뉴스]

Civil-military relations expert Samuel Huntington categorizes the coup into’transformative coup’,’regime-protective guard coup’, and’coup of denials’ according to the nature of the coup. However, if you look at the essence, the attributes of the usurp and advocacy of power over vested interests are common.

Myanmar is made up of 135 ethnic groups and ethnic groups, and society is divided by various internal conflicts. Myanmar’s military is looking for an opportunity to intervene in politics using internal conflict as its cause. However, because of social conflict, there is no alternative force that can resist the coup. It is the background that the Myanmar military can launch a coup without noticing at any time, and success is guaranteed.

On the 6th, a protest against the coup in which thousands of citizens participated in Yangon, Myanmar’s largest city, was held, and it is said to be spreading to other cities. The world’s attention is drawn to a resistance movement different from before.

Reporter Park Yonghan [email protected]
