The State Council of the Capital Market Act Enforcement Decree with’High Difficulty Financial Products’ Rise

[이데일리 김인경 기자] Next week, the Enforcement Decree of the Capital Markets Act will go up to the State Council.

According to the financial authorities, the Enforcement Decree of the Capital Markets Act is expected to be discussed at the Cabinet Meeting on the 2nd. These are the follow-up measures to the DLF measures announced at the end of 2019.

This decree contains measures to stipulate products that are difficult for investors to understand, such as derivative-linked securities, derivatives, and funds, where the maximum possible principal loss amount exceeds 20% of the principal, as’high-level financial products’. When it becomes a difficult financial product, the sales process becomes more difficult, such as giving individual general investors a recording duty and a period of consideration when selling the product, and strengthening the duty of explanation.

In addition, the minimum investment for private equity is expected to rise from 100 million won to 300 million won.

Weekly press plan

31st (Sun)

12:00 Enhancing the competitiveness of public offering funds

1st (Mon)

12:00 How financial consumers must know! This is the ㄱㅇㅅㅂㅈㅂㅎ method!

12:00 A plan to revitalize corporate finance for securities companies

12:00 New Year’s Holiday Financial Support Plan

2nd Tuesday

10:00 Passed the State Council for amendments to the Enforcement Decree of the Capital Market Act

12:00 It is easy and convenient to purchase insurance for buildings with high fire risk.

3rd (Wed)

Measures as a result of investigation and supervision on business reports, etc. upon distribution

12:00 Matters related to the Financial Industry Bureau in the Financial Services Commission’s business plan

4th (Thursday)

10:00 The first meeting of the TF for activating health care in the insurance industry

12:00 Announcement of legislation of amendment to the’Enforcement Decree of the Insurance Business Act’ (small-term insurance business, healthcare subsidiaries, etc.)

14:30 Industry-Finance New Deal Fund investment cooperation agreement held

16:00 Results of the 1st Investigation and Psychological Institutions Council

5th (Fri)

16:00 Financial Supervisory Service to purchase and share products in traditional markets during the Lunar New Year

7th (Sun)

12:00 Please take full advantage of the accounting fraud reporting reward system, which is a major contributor to accounting fraud detection.

12:00’Korea Fintech Week 2021′ will be held with the theme of “Fintech and Sustainable Financial Innovation”.

12:00 Please make full use of the accounting fraud reporting reward system, which is a major contributor to accounting fraud detection.

8th (Mon)

14:00 The 6th Digital Finance Council held

Weekly event schedule

2nd Tuesday

09:00 Executive meeting (Director of Financial Supervisory Service)

10:00 State Council Meeting (Finance Chairperson)

3rd (Wed)

14:00 Regular meeting of Jeungseon Committee (Vice Chairman of the Financial Services Commission)

4th (Thursday)

10:00 Vice Minister Meeting (Vice Chairman of the Financial Services Commission)

14:00 Industry-Finance New Deal Fund Investment Cooperation Agreement (Finance Chairman, Hyundai EV Station Gangdong)

5th (Fri)

09:30 Policy Coordination Meeting (Vice Chairman of the Financial Services Commission)

14:00 Questions to the government (Finance Chairman, National Assembly)
