The spinal surgery that was vaguely scared has changed… ‘Bidirectional spinal endoscopic nerve decompression’ attention

Kim Mo(78·Gayang-dong, Gangseo-gu, Seoul)Ms. has been struggling in daily life with pain from right hip to leg every time she walks for several years.. Recently, I started to itch to my left leg.. Kim was diagnosed with spinal canal stenosis at a general hospital with a spinal center.. The symptoms weren’t good enough to have to undergo surgery, but the surgery was burdensome and I was procrastinating.. Meanwhile, I heard about a bidirectional spinal endoscopy, which says that surgery pain is low and recovery period is short., Mr. Kim decided to undergo surgery..

Spinal canal stenosis is a representative spinal disease caused by aging.. The spinal canal is the space behind the vertebrae through which nerves pass.. With age, the vertebral joints surrounding this vertebral canal grow thicker or the ligaments thicken.. At this time, the nerves passing through the spinal canal are under pressure, Symptoms of back pain and numbness in the legs.

Spinal canal stenosis has similar symptoms to lumbar disc but is different. Herniated discs become more painful when bending the lower back.. However, spinal canal stenosis reduces pain when bending the back.. In addition, People with spinal stenosis have more pain when walking and, While walking, sometimes stopping and resting while walking.

The initial spinal canal stenosis is treated with non-surgical methods such as medicine, physical and injection therapy. Surgery should be considered if symptoms do not improve even after 6 weeks of treatment and progresses to severe.

Common spinal surgery involves skin and muscles. 3Cm Make an incision. For this reason, the elderly with spinal canal stenosis often postponed treatment due to the burden of spinal surgery and worsened the condition.. The recent development of medical technology reduces the burden of surgery for patients with spinal canal stenosis. Two-way spinal endoscopic nerve decompressionIt is attracting attention as an effective treatment.

Two-way spinal endoscopic nerve decompression surgery 3Cm Unlike making an incision 5Mm Degree small hole 2Treat with a dog. Hole without skin incision 2The dog is treated by inserting an endoscope and surgical instruments to directly check the narrowed spinal canal..

Advances in endoscopic treatment have made it possible to access difficult-to-access areas with minimal incisions.. Also, due to the small incision, the recovery period after surgery is short.. There is little bleeding during the surgery, so non-blood surgery is possible..

Seran Hospital Spine Center Sangwoo Park(Neurosurgeon) The manager When it comes to spinal surgery, there are many patients who feel unconditionally burdened, but neurodecompression surgery, which has recently attracted attention, has less pain, so elderly patients and diabetes.·Relatively safe surgery that can be applied to chronically ill patients with high blood pressureSaying It is better not to bear the pain, but to go to the hospital and consult a specialist.Said.
