The secret hidden in the poster of Si Jeep’s Jo Seung-woo x Park Shin-hye character

‘Cyprus’ Jo Seung-woo x Park Shin-hye character poster released
What is the meaning of digital lines that distort people?

'Cyprus' Jo Seung-woo character poster / photo provided by JTBC

‘Cyprus’ Jo Seung-woo character poster / photo provided by JTBC

In order to save the world,’Cyprus’ unveiled character posters of’strong’ people, Jo Seung-woo and Park Shin-hye.

JTBC’s 10th anniversary special drama’Si Jeep’s: the myth’ (hereinafter’Si Jip’s’) is a genius engineer Han Tae-Sul (Jo Seung-woo) and a savior Kang Seo-Hae (Park Shin-hye) who has been trying to uncover the existence of a hidden identity in our world. ) Is a fantasy mystery drama about the journey. The character poster, released on the 28th, captures the attention with the strong will of the two people united to save the world by protecting hantaesul.

Han Tae-sul and Kang Seo-hae, who are going to fight fiercely with the endless recurring fate of Sisyphus. As it appears from the point of’n-th journey’, it will never be easy to change the already set future. However, Kang Seo-hae, a warrior trained with various hard training and Han Tae-sool, who will jump on the journey to save the world with a brilliant brain like a genius engineer, does not care at all, but is rather full of strong spirits. And their synergy becomes complete by visiting Han Tae-Sul by Kang Seo-hae with the conviction of “I will save you. You save the world.” Together, it is the birth of a salvation couple called’Gang (Seohae) Han (Taesul)’.

'Cyprus' Park Shin-hye character poster / photo provided by JTBC

‘Cyprus’ Park Shin-hye character poster / photo provided by JTBC

It is a point that stimulates the expectations and curiosity of prospective viewers at the same time whether the tough n-th journey that has been repeated and repeated with the consensus of the’strong’ will be able to see the end this time. Here, the dignified appearance of Han Tae-Sul, who speaks with an unshakable, solid eye, saying, “I saw the future. The future we win,” makes them look forward to their victory even more. I want to meet the performance of the two’strong’ people as soon as possible, what kind of ending will the two people’s persistent will to fight against fate to the end.

One more important point is hidden in this character poster. It is not that digital lines that distort the image of a person were put in various places in the image without reason. The lines that make you feel as if you are watching a broken TV screen raise your curiosity as to what the meaning of these lines will be. The production crew pointed, “The meaning is expected to be revealed soon. Until then, it would be fun to reason why the appearances of Taesul and Seohae are distorted.”

‘Cyprus’ is a work in harmony with director Jin Hyuk and Lee Je-in and Jeon Chan-ho, such as’Legend of the Blue Sea’,’Doctor Stranger’, and’The Master’s Sun’. It is expected to present a new paradigm of genre with innovative visuals and solid composition and story that cross space and time. It will be broadcast for the first time on February 17th as a JTBC Wednesday and Thursday drama.

Reporter Jiwon Kim [email protected]

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