“The second UK vaccine is approved for use on AstraZeneca… as early as 28 days”-Herald Economy

A COVID-19 vaccine jointly developed by Oxford University in the UK and AstraZeneca.[연합]

[헤럴드경제=김수한 기자]Approval of a novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19) vaccine jointly developed by Oxford University and AstraZeneca in the UK is imminent.

AstraZeneca is expected to be the second vaccine to be approved for use in the UK, where the world’s first Pfizer-Bioentech vaccine has been approved for use. In North America and Europe, the second vaccine, following Pfizer’s vaccine, is the US’s Moderna, but in the UK, the British AstraZenega has an edge over Moderna.

British Health Minister Matt Hancock said on the 23rd (local time), “We are pleased to announce that the entire data for the Oxford University-AstraZeneca vaccine developed here in the UK has been submitted to the MHRA for approval.” Revealed.

Government officials expect the University of Oxford vaccine to be approved early next week. In particular, the UK media reported that MHRA experts are expected to agree on approval until the 28th or 29th, which will continue to work during Christmas.

It is expected that the vaccine-related government will take prompt action in the UK, where the number of infections is rapidly increasing at the end of the year.

In the UK, the Pfizer-Bioentech vaccine was first approved for use in the world on the 2nd, and large-scale vaccinations began on the 8th. The U.S. approved Pfizer vaccine on the 11th and started vaccinating on the 14th, approved the use of the Modena vaccine on the 18th, and started the vaccination on the 21st. Canada approved the Pfizer vaccine on the 9th and the vaccine on the 14th, followed by the use of Modena on the 23rd (local time).

The European Union (EU) approved the use of the Pfizer vaccine on the 21st, and the vaccine is expected to begin as early as the 27th. In addition, on the 6th of next month, it is scheduled to hold an evaluation meeting for modder or vaccine.

The UK has already ordered 100 million doses of the Oxford University vaccine, and 4 million doses are available immediately.

Unlike Pfizer vaccine, this vaccine is expected to be much easier to inoculate in that it can be stored in a refrigerator. Production is also expected to be made in the UK, making supply easier.

The Korean government also signed a contract to supply 20 million doses of this vaccine.

Meanwhile, the UK authorities had to wait for the submission of the final data for several weeks, as the effect differed depending on the dose difference during the vaccine clinical trial at Oxford University.

After Pfizer’s approval, the Oxford University vaccine will allow millions of vaccinations per week, and 20 million people are expected to receive the vaccine by March next year.

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