“The review is too early”… Sehun Oh and Chulsoo Ahn unified on the 19th

The candidates of the mayor of Seoul who are about to be re-elected on April 7 each mentioned former Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol. Democratic Party candidate Park Young-seon mentioned the pace of reforms at the prosecution, saying that he was comfortable with former President Yoon, and candidates Oh Se-hoon and Ahn Cheol-soo also expressed expectations. The single candidate for opposition will be confirmed on the 19th.

This is reporter Baekwoon.


Democratic Party candidate Park Young-seon and ruling party hard-line lawmakers who attended the government debate talked about the’complete review’.

Park Young-sun

[박영선/더불어민주당 서울시장 후보 : 검찰 수사권을 한꺼번에 완전히 박탈하는 것(검수완박), 이것은 조금 시기적으로 때가 이르다고 생각하고 있습니다.]

Former Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol, who was the chairman of the judiciary committee of the National Assembly, praised himself as “the most comfortable relationship he can contact.”

The speech of the opposition mayor of Seoul was relatively cautious.

People’s Power Candidate Se-hoon Oh said, “Some kind of communication has begun”, and candidate Ahn Chul-soo of the National Assembly Party said, “If necessary, we can meet.”

The unification negotiation between the two marks the target point.

Through public opinion polls on the 17th and 18th, they agreed to confirm a single candidate on the 19th, the deadline for registration.

[오세훈/국민의힘 서울시장 후보 : 정권 탈환의 기회를 마련하지 못한다면 아마 국민의힘은 영원히 국민께 죄인으로 남을 것이라고….]

[안철수/국민의당 서울시장 후보 : 저는 확실히 이길 수 있다는, 그런 말씀을 드리고, 이번 서울시장 선거 승리하고 저는 끝까지 함께할 생각입니다.]

In connection with the allegations that the National Intelligence Service during the Lee Myung-bak administration had illegally inspected environmental groups that opposed the Four Rivers Project, the Democratic Party argued that Busan Mayor Park Hyeong-joon, who was then the Blue House Public Relations Officer, was involved.

However, Candidate Park dismissed it as a “typical negative offensive,” saying, “There is no order for illegal inspections.”

(Video coverage: Park Jin-ho·Kim Seung-tae, video editing: Yoo Mira, CG: Kim Jung-eun·Lee Yu-jin)

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