The recording of Kim Myung-soo was released, “I installed it after impeachment…I can’t fix the resignation” [전문]

The controversy that Supreme Court Chief Kim Myung-soo refused to accept the resignation of Busan High Court chief judge Im Seong-geun on the grounds of impeachment of the judge is unlikely to subside. As Deputy Judge Lim released the recording file with Chief Justice Kim.

Deputy Judge Lim’s attorney revealed on the 4th, “I explained that the Supreme Court’s answer is different from the facts, but there is still controversy over what the truth is,” he released a transcript of the interview between the two last year.

Supreme Court Chief Kim said the day before, “There was no fact that he had said to Judge Im that the resignation could not be accepted due to the issue of impeachment.” However, in the transcript, the part where Chief Justice Kim mentioned’impeachment’ was clearly contained.

  At the time of an interview with Supreme Court Chief Kim Myung-soo (right) in May of last year, the deputy chief judge of Busan High Court Lim Seong-geun (left) was controversial over whether or not he said ″impeachment″.  yunhap news

At the time of an interview with Supreme Court Chief Kim Myung-soo (right) in May of last year, the deputy chief judge of Busan High Court Lim Seong-geun (left) was controversial over whether or not he said ″impeachment″. yunhap news

Supreme Court Chief Kim said, “I have to think about various effects on the resignation of the resignation,” and “I have to think a lot and look at the political situation.” He said, “If I talk about the situation very clearly, I am installing it to impeach it. What would you hear from the National Assembly if I said that I accepted my resignation?” He said, “In addition, Judge Im has a short term in office.”

Chief Justice Kim also expressed a negative position on the impeachment of the judge. I don’t have the idea that impeachment of judges is realistic or should be impeached, but the political situation is another matter. Supreme Court Chief Kim said, “If we just repair (resignation) today so that we can’t even tell us about the impeachment, we can’t talk about the impeachment.” “It is not very appropriate to receive such criticism.”

Judge Lim’s side said, “I requested that the previous resignation be accepted in December of last year, but other judges resigned, but Judge Lim was informed that it was the intention of Supreme Court Justice to resign due to the expiration of his term in late February.” Insisted.

Chief Justice Kim Myung-soo

Now, submitting the resignation acceptance, aside from such legal matters, I have to think about it as it has various influences. Among them, we have to look at the political situation.

I said it last time, but I like that Lim’s resignation. I have to think a lot about it, and I have to watch various situations. If I look closely at the situation and talk more openly, I am installing something like that to impeach myself, but if I resigned, what would the National Assembly hear?

And besides, in the case of Manager Lim, the term of office is actually short and he was not guilty at the first trial.

There is a system called impeachment, and I don’t think it’s realistic or that it should be impeachment, but for now, it’s political because the situation is another matter. If you just fix it today so you can’t even tell you about impeachment, you can’t talk about impeachment.

It’s not very appropriate to be accused of that.

Accordingly, the voices of opposition lawmakers who are pushing for the impeachment of Supreme Court Chief Kim are likely to grow stronger. On the 3rd, members of the Power of the People’s Legislative Justice Committee said, “The Chief Justice, who is supposed to protect the independence of the judiciary, seems to be disrespectful of the impeachment proceedings for the purpose of taming the judges of the politics. The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court hopes to take responsibility for the situation and resign. If you refuse, you will face impeachment.”

Meanwhile, the National Assembly voted on the impeachment bill for Judge Lim on the 4th. In addition, 161 lawmakers, including the pan-passport party, were named as co-sponsors of this impeachment bill, led by the Democratic Party. The voting number alone has passed the quorum of 151 votes, so passing is considered to be strong.

Reporter Lee Ga-young [email protected]
