The reason why Yoon Seok-yeol, analyzed by the motherland, transformed into a politician

Former Justice Minister Cho Kook poured out a long criticism of the prosecution’s theory of’living power rhetoric’.

Former Minister Cho said on his Facebook page on the 7th, “I am in a situation where I am waiting for punishment because my neck is filled with a sword, but I want to do this.” It was,” he insisted. He criticized, “In Korean history, most prosecutors have investigated hyenas that bite’dead power’ or’power to die’ soon.”

He said, “Since the second half of 2019, the’prosecutors’ inside and outside the prosecution, including former prosecutor general Yoon Seok-yeol, have argued that the’living power investigation is the real prosecution reform’. I have been opposed to reform,” he said.

He said, “When the Blue House during the conservative government explicitly intervened in the investigation, the prosecution never had a theory of’living power investigation’. The progressive government that did not intervene in the investigation and took a drive in prosecution reform was the subject of’living power investigation’.” “For example, the Blue House of the Roh Moo-hyun administration did not block the investigation of the funds for the presidential election by Ahn Dae-hee.

“The purpose of investigating living power is to defeat the prosecution reform”

“The conservative opposition under the Progressive Government is also’power,” and the prosecution who wields the dual swords of the power of investigation and prosecution is also’power’, but they are not the subject of a living power investigation.” “The investigation of corruption inside the prosecution will highlight the necessity of reforming the prosecution, so (investigation) will not be carried out.” Furthermore, he pointed out, “Investigation of corruption in the family of the prosecutor general is neglected or delayed because there is a fear of undermining the authority of the head of the organization, because the organization must be in error and the’holy family’ must be protected.”

Former Minister Cho said, “The motive, purpose, method, and behavior of living power investigations deserve to be criticized. The motive and purpose developed after the second half of 2019 was the failure of the prosecution reform.” He criticized that neither methods and behaviors such as the’dusting’ investigation and the Indian rain ritual investigation can be justified.’

He said, “President Yoon Seok-yeol played an important role in the Park Young-soo special prosecutors team that investigated the Park Geun-hye government’s governmental Nongdan case, and this point must be acknowledged.” At the time of the creation of the Special Prosecutor’s Office, Park Young-soo, President Park Geun-hye should not forget that it was not’a living power’ but a’power to die soon’.

Former Minister Cho said, “I believe that the prosecution of the Moon Jae-in government in the second half of 2019 judged the Moon Jae-in government not as a’living power’ but as a’power to die’ and decided to change direction.’ ) Was the dominant, the reason for the transformation from’public servant’ to’politician’,” he pointed out.

Lastly, former Minister Cho said, “My trial will be humble and reflect on, reflect on, and receive my own limitations and flaws,” he said. “However, apart from this, there is an institutional system that prevents the recurrence of the abnormal behavior of the Korean prosecution. “The reform must continue.”
