The reason why the reaction of Yang Hyun-jong’s perception is more grim

MK Sports Reporter Jung Cheol-woo

Maybe that’s not a big deal for the Texas Rangers. Joining a few days late in training is a common occurrence in Major League spring camps.

However, Yang Hyeon-jong (33) has a different position. Every day is like a thousand gold.

Yang Hyun-jong could not join the spring camp normally due to visa issues. It seems that it will take a few more days.

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picture explanationYang Hyun-jong joined the spring camp late. However, the Texas club considers it common. Photo = MK Sports DB

In a video interview with reporters on the 18th (Korean time), Head of Rangers Chris Young said, “The four players are delaying their arrival due to visa issues.”

Yang Hyeon-jong is one of these four. Joeli Rodriguez, Jose LeClock, and Funery Osna have not yet arrived at the camp.

This is common in camps. In the case of Yang Hyun-jong, the delay in joining the camp was expected, especially as the contract agreement was delayed.

“It’s not a serious problem,” said Young, “we will join in a few days.”

I am not reluctant to take it for granted. This is because it seems to show Yang’s current position.

If Hyunjong Yang was a special player with a large sum of money, his failure to join could be a big news.

However, Hyunjong Yang’s position is only one of the invited players of the spring camp for ten years. Perhaps the relaxed response of the Texas club is to represent the situation of the club that will not change much depending on the presence and absence of Yang Hyun-jong.

Your pride hurts, but the more you do it, the more you have to bite it. You have to survive somehow and feed a room to look good.

Hyunjong Yang must show 100% from the first day of joining.

There are a lot of problems to be solved, such as jet lag and accommodation problems, but excuses do not work. If the competition in the spring camp cannot be overcome, Hyunjong Yang may not be given a chance.

Of course, Spring Camp isn’t everything. Once you get down to the minor leagues, you can expect a call-up.

However, life in the minor leagues is not as easy as it sounds. It will be the first things she experiences for Yang Hyun-jong.

Also, the fact that Texas is in the process of rebuilding is not advantageous for Yang Hyun-jong. Yang Hyun-jong is a 33-year-old pitcher. Before that, there are pitchers who need to give opportunities and raise them in line.

If they perform similarly, younger players may have a chance first. This is why it is important to somehow survive the spring camp where fair competition is unfolding.

Texas was chilly. Yang Hyeon-jong’s heart is busy, but there is still plenty of room for the club.

Yang Hyeon-jong must change his gaze. You have to jump into this fierce competition. In order to receive real recognition, not a lip service, it seems that a stronger determination is needed. [email protected]
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