“The Ramsay Papers More Damage Than Fake News”… A flood of criticism

American scholars who have criticized the problem of Harvard Professor Ramsey’s thesis on comfort women met with Grandma Lee Yong-soo. Scholars are criticizing fake scholarship as a greater harm than fake news, and a fellow professor at Ramsayer argued that his thesis broke stereotypes and that there was no big problem.

This is Kim Soo-hyung, correspondent from Washington.


American scholars, who have criticized Harvard Professor Ramsey’s dissertation on the distorted comfort women victims, met with Grandma Lee Yong-soo through burn.

Scholars have criticized Ramsey’s thesis for being incapable of packaging for academic freedom, and for being more damaging than fake news.

Professor Ramsey's dissertation criticism scholar/Lee Yong-soo's grandmother video meeting

[알렉시스 더든/코네티컷대 역사학과 교수 : 증거가 정직하지 않거나 증거가 없다면 학문의 자유를 누릴 수는 없습니다.]

[리처드 페인터/전 백악관 윤리담당 변호사 : 가짜 학문은 가짜 뉴스보다 더 큰 피해를 준다는 사실을 강조하고 싶습니다.]

Grandma Lee Yong-soo expressed her gratitude for the move to find out the truth in American academia.

[이용수/위안부 피해자 : 우리뿐만 아니고 세계 여러 나라 피해자들의 명예회복을 위해 여러분들이 싸워주시니까 저는 이길 겁니다.]

Harvard graduate students also issued statements, criticizing Professor Ramsey for reducing the severity of atrocities against victims of comfort women.

In the midst of growing criticism, a fellow professor who was deeply involved in Ramsay’s thesis writing has made a statement to SBS on condition of anonymity.

He argued that Professor Ramsey’s thesis made some mistakes, but it wasn’t a decisive matter and it was a brave content that broke stereotypes.

Although controversy over his thesis continues, Harvard University Professor Ramsey is known to be blocking contact with the outside world and preparing a rebuttal against scholars’ refutations.

(Video coverage: Oh Jeong-sik, video editing: Lee Seung-hee)
