“The Ramsay comfort women thesis is a historical error”: Kukje Shinmun

-Participating in the rally and condemning the disrespect of prostitutes

U.S. Senator’s mother also joined Mark Ramseyer’s request for the withdrawal of a Harvard Law School professor’s “comfort women thesis”

Heather Fenton, mother of Senator John Osoff (Demo/Georgia), at a rally calling for the withdrawal of Professor Ramsey’s thesis held in front of the Girl of Peace in Blackburn Park in Brookhaven, Georgia the previous day, according to a committee on the establishment of the Girl of Peace in Atlanta on the 27th (local time). Attended this.

At a rally that day, Fenton said, “I am not here today as the mother of Senator Osoff, but on behalf of a woman,” said Fenton. “We have to stand up against what is wrong, and let him know that Professor Ramsey has committed a historical error. I said.

Fenton, an Australian immigrant, has always spoken actively for immigrant rights and women’s rights. He is one of the 19 members of the Atlanta Peace Girl Awards Task Force (TF), which was formed in January 2017. He attended the regular meeting of the Brookhaven City Council in May of the same year, and established the Girl Statue, saying, “The girl statue is the most beautiful symbol of coping with the ugliest things.” Publicly supported.

At the rally, Chairman Baek-gyu Kim and others read a statement criticizing Professor Ramsey’s argument. They said, “Professor Ramzier’s thesis misses the problem of the suffering of the victims of comfort women and the context of the inhumane system.” “Condemn Professor Ramsay’s disrespect for disparaging the victim as a’prostitute’, and withdraw the historical revisionist thesis. “

“Professor Ramzier’s recent thesis was flawed and ignored extensive evidence,” said Professor Natsu Saito, a law school at Georgia State University, recently published on the Social Science Research Network. yunhap news
