“The Prince is behind the assassination” announcement is imminent… Biden and Saudi King’s first call

A scene from the documentary’Residents of Dissidents’ in Saudi Arabia, featuring Prince Muhammad Binsalman (left) and Jamal Kashqji. AP material photo

An official announcement by the US government is imminent that Saudi Arabia’s real power Crown Prince Muhammad Binsalman is behind the assassination of Saudi journalist Jamal Kashqji. US President Joe Biden spoke with Saudi King Salman bin Abdulaziz Alsaud for the first time after taking office.

According to the White House on the 25th (local time), in a phone call that day, the two leaders first discussed security issues in the region. Topics included diplomatic efforts led by the United Nations and the United States to end the war in Yemen, and promises to help defend Saudi territory from attacks from Iran-linked groups. President Biden said he would affirm the importance the United States has placed on universal human rights and rule of law, and that he would endeavor to make bilateral relations as strong and transparent as possible. In addition, the White House said the two leaders agreed to cooperate on matters of mutual interest.

King Salman expressed his strong ties with the United States, the importance of promoting partnerships necessary to achieve the security and stability of the regional and international community, and the Saudi aspirations to derive broad political solutions in Yemen and achieve the security and prosperity of Yemeni people. It was emphasized, the Saudi state-run SPA reported.

The call on this day is a sign that the release of the US’ Kashukji Report is approaching. US intelligence officials are known to have concluded that it is likely that the assassination of Kashukji in October 2018 was approved or ordered by Crown Prince Muhammad Binsalman. If the report, led by the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), is released, the relationship between the two countries is inevitable. It is for this reason that observations have been made that the first call between President Biden and the king of Saudi Arabia will be made just before the report is released.

In the call between US Secretary of State Tony Blincoln and Saudi Foreign Minister Faisal bin Farhan al Saud, which took place before the summit call on the same day, it is expected that the Kashqji report, US countermeasures, and discussions on future bilateral relations.

Former President Donald Trump sided with Crown Prince Muhammad to cover the Kashukji case. However, the Biden administration has revealed its position to readjust its relations with Saudi Arabia, expressing its willingness to cease selling weapons to Saudi Arabia and to release reports of the assassination of Kashukji.

Kwon Kyung-seong reporter

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