‘The presidential challenge’ Park Yong-jin “We need a courageous president”

Democratic Party lawmaker Park Yong-jin (Seoul Gangbuk, re-election) officially announced the run for the presidential election. On the 7th, Congressman Park posted a post on his Facebook page, saying, “We will lead the generational change of our politics and the era of Korea.”

He said, “Our politics is old and worn out and is not gaining the public’s trust. If there is an area that needs to be reworked most violently in the Republic of Korea, it will be in the field of politics.” It must be a melting pot of dynamism. In order to do that, politics must become younger, and the Democratic Party must become a fireball of innovation and passion.”

Rep. Park said, “I made up my mind to assume that role,” and said, “I can’t do it alone, please support me and give me strength.” He added, “We will show you the attitude of Park Yong-jin, who is armed with youth and a spirit of reform, as a passionate challenger and unstoppable pioneer.”

Rep. Park said, “A year ago (running for president), I was prepared to (run for president), and with that courage I have been preparing so far,” he said. I will take over the role,” he said.

Finally, he said, “The <행복국가> By making the concept clearer, we will reveal our plans for the future of Korea, <용기있는 대통령>“I will tell you my determination to solve today’s tasks in the face of injustice and inequality.”

Being evaluated as’small intestine’… The sound of bitterness even in the LH incident

On the other hand, he, a representative lawmaker in the ruling party, argued that “the Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs should be eliminated from the joint government investigation group” in relation to the alleged land speculation by the Korea Land and Housing Corporation (LH) employees a day ago.

Rep. Park said on Facebook on the 6th, “The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport and LH are receiving distrust from the people. (The speculation suspicion) happened when Minister of Land, Infrastructure, and Land Byun Chang-heum was the president of LH.”

He said, “The allegations of speculation by LH employees in the 3rd new city area are shocking enough to be called the’LH Incident’.” And what’s different?” he raised his voice.

Rep. Park said, “No matter how hard the government joint investigation team is, the controversy over’covering my family’ and the’penalty with a cotton bat’ is as obvious as seeing the controversy.” Emphasized.
