The power of the people, abandon the Busan election? Kim Jong-in and Joo Ho-young Gadeok New Airport’Tanji’

The power of the people, abandon the Busan election? Kim Jong-in and Joo Ho-young Gadeok New Airport’Tanji’

Ho-young Joo, the representative of the hospital “There is no measure to revitalize the local economy to respond to Gaduk New Airport”… Shock

Reporter Euncheol Lee [email protected]

Input: 2021-01-22 12:05:32Revision: 2021-01-22 17:41:43Published: 2021-01-22 12:43:56


The power of the people Joo Ho-young, the national representative, speaks at the in-house delegation meeting held at the National Assembly on the 22nd.  yunhap news

The power of the people Joo Ho-young, the national representative, speaks at the in-house delegation meeting held at the National Assembly on the 22nd. yunhap news

The leadership of the people’s strength is struggling with Gadeok New Airport every day. On the 21st, Kim Jong-in dismissed the president of the Emergency Response Committee, saying, “You should not think that the economy of Busan will change drastically with one airport in Gaduk.” On the 22nd, Ho-young Joo even used the expression’bad precedent’ for the Special Act of Gaduk New Airport. He expressed his intention to stop him. Various public opinion polls showed that the approval ratings of the Democratic Party and the people in Busan, Ulsan, and Gyeongnam (PK) were narrowed to within the margin of error. It is pointed out that it is inappropriate even in the party.

Representative Joo met with reporters shortly after the in-house delegation meeting held at the National Assembly on that day and expressed his opposition to the promotion of the Gadeok New Airport Special Act, saying, “In the future, should we make a law every time we do national projects?” “It is not correct to apply the law to individual cases. I am thinking about whether it will leave a bad precedent for doing business without going through a preliminary feasibility study,” he argued that the Gaduk New Airport Special Law was a political choice for election.

In particular, in response to the reporter’s question, “Is there a plan to revitalize the local economy to counter the Special Law of Gaduk New Airport?”, the main hospital representative said, “There is no discussion on the policy to respond to Gaduk New Airport.” The controversy is expected to grow even further by responding that there is no such thing.

This is in contrast to the previous day (21st) with the Democratic Party’s leadership visiting Busan and promising to deal with a special law, and the K New Deal headquarters within the party contemplating how to foster the Southeast region as a hub for logistics in Northeast Asia. It seems I don’t know.”

On the previous day, Chairman Kim said, “The most important thing in Busan is that the economy of Busan is continuing to contract, so as a part of how there is a way to revive the economy of Busan in the future, Gadeokdo Island (new airport) will enter as part of it.” (New Airport) One thing will change the economy of Busan dramatically, and you should not think so.”

In this way, the two command towers of the people’s power are making statements that contradict the public sentiment of Busan every day, and dissatisfaction is growing inside and outside the party. Independent Congressman Hong Jun-pyo said, “The airport disparity that some say one airport can save the Busan economy is just a short opinion that ignores the aspirations of Busan citizens and does not fit the national proposition of balanced regional development.” Made a bitter sound. He added, “Since the fourth industrial products and high-tech industrial products that went out through Incheon Airport can be exported through Gadeokdo International Airport, Busan can become a logistics hub in Northeast Asia, where it is in name.”

Rep. Jang Je-won also warned through his Facebook on the 21st, “The red light has come on in the Busan mayoral by-election,” and “It is time to be alert as the downtrend seems clear.” He criticized the party leadership, saying, “I feel that Busan’s public sentiment has been turning around little by little in recent years,” he said. “It gives the feeling that the Central Party has let go of the Busan mayor’s by-election beyond apathy. He compared that “there is no policy support at the central party level for the Busan economic crash including the new airport problem.”

Lee Nak-yeon, together with Democratic Party representatives, visits the Gangseo-gu Observatory in Busan on the afternoon of the 21st, and is taking commemorative photos with Byeon Seong-wan as an acting mayor of Busan, and preliminary candidates Kim Young-chun and Park In-young, who have declared their run for the Busan Mayor's by-election.  yunhap news

Lee Nak-yeon, together with Democratic Party representatives, visits the Gangseo-gu Observatory in Busan on the afternoon of the 21st, and is taking commemorative photos with Byeon Seong-wan as an acting mayor of Busan, and preliminary candidates Kim Young-chun and Park In-young, who have declared their run for the Busan Mayor’s by-election. yunhap news

On the other hand, the Democratic Party announced that it would complete the special law process within the provisional National Assembly in February after mobilizing all its forces to build the Gaduk New Airport. Representative Lee Nak-yeon said at the Supreme Council’s meeting held on the 22nd, “I hope the Moon Jae-in government will end the issue of Gaduk New Airport started by former President Roh Moo-hyun.” He urged the opposition party to join.” “The Democratic Party has maintained its position to build a gateway airport in the southeastern region on Gadeok Island since 2003,” said Tae-nyeon Kim, head of the House. “As 18 years have passed, we need to promote it with a sense of speed. The construction of a new airport is a leading regional new deal project that will create 530,000 direct jobs.” The Democratic Party is pursuing an agreement between the opposition parties under the Gaduk New Airport Special Act, but it is a policy that if the people’s power does not cooperate, it will be treated independently.

Reporter Euncheol Lee [email protected]
