The possession tax that became’punishment’… Public prices for land and single-family houses also skyrocket

Prospects for the disqualification of health dependent dependents one after another

It is not only apartments that have risen in public prices. The published prices of land and detached houses have also increased significantly this year in line with the realization of the government. If you are a real estate owner without covering the land, detached houses and apartments, all three burdens are leaps and bounds. Some of the owners who were hit by the real estate tax bomb are crying out, asking, “Is it a crime to have real estate?”

The official land price of standard land for 2021, announced by the government in December of last year, rose 10.37% from the previous year on a national basis. Compared to last year (6.33%), this is a 4.04 percentage point increase, the third level in history following 2006 (17.81%) and 2007 (12.40%). In most major cities across the country, such as Seoul 11.41%, Sejong 12.38%, Gwangju 11.39%, and Busan 11.08%, double-digit public land prices rose.

The public price of single-family homes also rose. In 2021, the rate of increase in the published price of standard single-family houses was 6.68%, which was a larger increase than last year (4.47%). Seoul rose 10.13%.

The rise in the publicly priced price had an impact on the market price increase, but the government’s stance to promote the actualization rate also had a big impact. In 2021, the rate of realization of officially announced land on standard land was 68.4%, a 2.9 percentage point higher than last year (65.5%). It is similar to the government’s proposed goal (68.6%). The actualization rate of the official standard housing price was 55.8%, a 2.2 percentage point higher than last year (53.6%). It is similar to the target value of 55.9% revealed in the actualization plan. The market believes that the government has significantly increased the published price in 2021 in order to meet the roadmap for the rate of realization of the published price.

As the public price increases, it is expected that there will be several cases of dropping out of the national health insurance coverage. In fact, according to the Ministry of Health and Welfare, 18,000 dependents are deprived of their qualifications and are converted into local subscribers due to the soaring public housing price. In the case of local subscriber conversion, it is expected to increase every year.

/ Reporter Kim Heung-rok [email protected]

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