‘The place is empty’… Nakyeon Lee “Let’s raise the child allowance to 18”

◆ 與, co-prosperity 3 law speed ◆

Lee Nak-yeon, the representative of the Democratic Party, is giving a fist to the lawmakers after finishing a speech from the representative of the bargaining organization held at the main assembly hall of the National Assembly on the morning of the 2nd.  If Lee resigns from the presidential post in March to run for the presidential election, this speech is expected to be the last speech.  [김호영 기자]

picture explanationLee Nak-yeon, the representative of the Democratic Party, is giving a fist to the lawmakers after finishing a speech from the representative of the bargaining organization held at the main assembly hall of the National Assembly on the morning of the 2nd. If Lee resigns from the presidential post in March to run for the presidential election, this speech is expected to be the last speech. [김호영 기자]

Lee Nak-yeon, one of the next passport sleepers, and Democratic Party representative Lee Nak-yeon-pyo proposed a new welfare policy with the aim of expanding the child allowance and the increase of the entire national mortality allowance. As a solution to block the inequality caused by Corona 19, it proposed the’Three Acts of Win-Win Partnership, such as the Loss Compensation System, Cooperation Profit Sharing System, and Social Solidarity Fund. These policies are eye-catching in that it could be a major pledge in the welfare sector if Lee runs for the next presidential election. However, it is pointed out as a limitation that there was no specific mention on how to raise funds.

In his speech to the National Assembly on the 2nd, Lee explained the’New Welfare System’, a plan to overcome the polarization he was envisioning, and proposed it under the name of’National Living Standard 2030′. “The World Bank and the International Labor Organization (ILO) raised the need for’universal social protection’ in 2015, and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and the European Union (EU) are working together on this proposal.” It is to build a comprehensive and dense social safety net so that no one in the society is left behind.” Next, regarding the `National Living Standards 2030`, he said, “It is to guarantee the minimum standard of living in all areas of life, including income, housing, education, medical care, care, and the environment, and aim for appropriate standards.”

To this end, 100,000 won per month, one of the income support for each life cycle, proposed a plan to extend the payment deadline for child allowance from the current 7 to 18. In addition, it was proposed to introduce the’all national injuries allowance (a allowance received in case of unable to work due to illness or injury)’. Representative Lee explained, “We should become a society where we are not sorry even if it hurts.” It promised to increase care all day to 40% and install at least one public elderly care facility per city, county, or district. Next, the ‘2030 Pan-People’s Special Committee’ will be established to discuss the new welfare system. Within the party, the concept of new welfare is meant to be “the first national vision presented by the party during the current administration’s tenure.” In the context of the Moon Jae-in administration’s 5th year in power, the ruling party has presented its own vision for the future, moving away from focusing on the role of helping the government set up national tasks so far.

In particular, it is noteworthy that Lee Jae-myung, Governor Lee Jae-myeong’s welfare vision to compete with the `basic income`. Representative Lee revealed to reporters the idea that’Basic Income Lee Jae-Myeong-sik’ is a very small number of examples as in Alaska, and cannot be a substitute for the current welfare system.

A key party official said, “The CEO Lee conceived since the last convention, and since then, it was created through several discussions with many experts and advisors.” It is noteworthy that Lee’s speech at the parliamentary group on this day was the second after taking office and was the first case of the Moon Jae-in administration to present the vision of a welfare state at the ruling party level. After the extraordinary National Assembly in February, it was evaluated that it was meaningful that Lee presented his policy vision by stepping back from the party leader and jumping into the competition for the next presidential election. However, the inability to come up with a plan for financing is pointed out as a limitation. Representative Lee also mentioned that “a lot of financial resources are needed to protect the lives of the people widely,” but there was no mention of specific methods such as taxation.

Representative Lee emphasized the passage of the’Three Act on Win-Win Solidarity’ to prevent the collapse of the common people and the middle class amid the Corona 19 crisis. He called for a bill to be dealt with in compensation for loss of business restrictions. It also mentioned the cooperative benefit sharing system through the use of ESG (environmental, responsible, transparent management). At the time of ratification of the Korea-China Free Trade Agreement (FTA) in 2015, the Rural Community Cooperation Fund and the Lee Myung-bak administration at the time of the banking sector’s’New Hope Hall’ were discussed and proposed to create a social solidarity fund.

[채종원 기자 / 최예빈 기자]
[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
